A new area, a new chance to find collectibles. The Fields is the section of Kena: Bridge of Spirits with the most collectibles. Among these collectibles are Flower Shrines. There are a total of seven to find throughout the area. Here are their locations.

Past the arena

After dropping into the arena below the Ancient Well, defeat the enemies and clear the corruption. Head down through the cavern until you reach what appears to be a dead end. Shoot the Forest Tear off one of the stalactites. This will cause it to fall and create the full Forest Tear. Use it to create a Rot Cloud and clear out the enemies that spawn. After they are gone, throw a bomb at the destroyed bridge to make it whole. Now, create another Rot Cloud and have it travel across the bridge. The Flower Shrine is on the other side.

Kappa fight

Nearby where you come up the elevator is farmland with a familiar enemy. Remember the Kappa boss fight? Well, Kappa is now a normal enemy. Take out all the enemies here. After that, look for the hut with a bucket inside. Bring the contents of the bucket over to the newly spawned blossom to create a Forest Tear. The Flower Shrine is nearby on the opposite side of the farm from the hut. Use a Rot Cloud to cleanse it.

By a garden

Head North on the map across the river and look for a house where you fight a Mage. After defeating the enemies here, use the contents of a bucket to make a Forest Tear. Use the Forest Tear to create a Rot Cloud. Guide the Rot Cloud across the garden and over to the destroyed house on the other side of some wheat and the path. Behind the house is the next Flower Shrine.

Vine Knight boss

After defeating the Vine Knight boss. Use a bomb on some stones in the garden to make them float. Shoot the crystal on them to get a Forest Tear to appear. Use the forest to create a Rot Cloud. Lure the Rot Cloud through the building and out the large doorway. Follow the path until you see the bridge. The Flower Shrine is to the right of the bridge.

Near the Fields entrance

After reaching the forge area of the Fields, head to the massive stone door you used to enter the Fields at the beginning. To the right of this door is a building with a garden in the back. Shoot one of the targets above the waterwheel in the garden to make a Forest Tear spawn. Create a Rot Cloud and have it follow the main path back to the ox. When you pass by some destroyed buildings, look to the right. The Flower Shrine is between the building remains.

Stone Guardian boss

After you defeat the Stone Guardian boss, stay in the boss arena and check the building for a Forest Tear blossom. Shoot the crystal above it to make the tear fall and the Forest Tear bloom. Create a Rot Cloud and lead it over to the Flower Shrine that is in the boss arena.

By the hat cart

Head to the eastern side of the forge area to where there is a hat cart and a Cursed Chest. Go behind the house the Cursed Chest is in front of and look up. Use an arrow to pull yourself up to the flower in the back of the house. Inside will be a bucket that you can pour the goop out of for a Forest Tear. It will land on the first floor of the house. Have the Rot Spirits move a wooden plank away from the door and move the Forest Tear over to the blossom next to the house. The Flower Shrine is next to the front of the house.