Arma Reforger has three main game modes, each of which can be broken down into the many activities you’ll play through during your time with it. While you may not interact with some of them initially, each game mode blends with the others to expand the overall experience when you feel ready. This guide explains every game mode in Arma Reforger, so you’re never stuck with nothing to do.

Play mode

The first mode is Play. We recommend you start with this mode because it takes you through to a menu with the three options you’ll use most while starting out with the game. These are Tutorial, Conflict, and Game Master – Everon. These are the same options you’ll get if you open the Scenario menu. It’s best to start with Tutorial because it gives you a combat-free version of Everon to explore while completing a set of objectives. You should be able to smash it out in 30 minutes and come out with a clear understanding of how to play the game.

Following the Tutorial, you can get into Conflict, which is what a standard game in Arma Reforger will usually feel like — except it’s set on a version of the island that’s mostly filled with AI bots. There are both friendly and enemy bots, and it’s your task to take what you learned in the Tutorial and use it to win the game. This means seeking out the radio stations that link to the enemy’s base and finally capturing it. You can leave this game mode open for others to join or play solo. Game Master – Everon is a more complicated mode explained later in this guide.

Multiplayer mode

In Multiplayer mode, you’ll find much what you’d expect. This option takes you to a screen filled with games that are currently live and open for you to join. You can see the name of the game, the scenario, whether it’s Conflict, Capture & Hold, or a custom game with a Game Master. You can choose which one to join and hop in with other players, as long as there’s space. The only thing to look out for is the ping, which you should always make sure is in the green. If not, you’ll find that the game lags.

Game Master – Everon mode

Game Master – Everon is the final mode you’ll find yourself playing around with, and it’s easily the most complex. In this mode, you can create your own game and be the master of it, choosing where units are deployed from, placing objects, spawn points, vehicles, everything. Then, you can open the match up for others to join. Finally, you can remain the active Game Master while people play on your version of Everon and change things around to keep the match interesting over time. In this game mode, you can also switch to Armavision and take some beautiful screenshots or videos.