The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 beta is here for PlayStation users and it comes with a small, but engaging set of game modes to try. Some are old, some are new, but all are fun.

What modes are in the Modern Warfare 2 beta?

Four game modes are available during the first beta test for Modern Warfare 2. Two are classic mainstays for any competitive shooter while the other two are new modes highlighted during the Call of Duty presentation on September 15, 2022.

Search and Destroy

Two teams of six alternate between detonating and defusing a bomb. The match operates on round-based objectives with no respawns.

Death Match

Good old-fashioned death match. Two teams of six duke it out. The first to reach 75 kills or the team with the higher body count at the end of 10 minutes is declared the winner.


There are three objectives on the map. Capture, hold, and defend the objectives to earn points. Two teams of six go head-to-head. The first team to reach 200 points is declared the winner.

Prisoner Rescue

Prisoner Rescue is one of two new modes in the series. Taking a page from the CS:GO handbook, one team of players must rescue hostages from the opposing team. The mode consists of rounds where teams will alternate between attacking and defending. There are no respawns and downed players must be revived by teammates.

Knock Out

Knock Out works similarly to Elimination. A package must be held for a set amount of time to win. Failing that, the first team to eliminate the other team is declared the winner. There are no respawns and downed players must be revived by teammates.

For more Call of Duty goodies, check out How to Mantle and Ledge Hang in Modern Warfare 2 on Pro Game Guides.