Like all the other regions across Planet ZDR, the plant-filled Ghavoran has plenty of collectibles hidden among its branching corridors. One of the most common types in Metroid Dread are Missile Tanks, and you can unearth quite a few in this area if you know where to look. You’ll increase your Missile count for each one you find.

There are two types of Missile Tank: the standard gives you two more shots, while Missile+ Tanks give you a solid 10. Here’s where you’ll find them all in Ghavoran.

Missile Tank #1 [+10] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Speed Booster

You can get this Missile+ Tank right when you enter Ghavaron from the Burenia elevator. After pulling the Grapple Beam Block, drop down to the Total Recharge Station and enter the next room. There’s just enough space to charge up a Shinespark, so do that and launch yourself to the gap in the ceiling to grab the ledge. Roll on through with the Morph Ball to grab the Tank at the end of the tunnel.

Missile Tank #2 [+2] | Requirements: Spider Magnet, Morph Ball, Bombs, Grapple Beam

After the golden Robot Chozo Soldier fight, head into the next room, but don’t start climbing. Instead, look to the bottom for a set of Bomb Blocks you can blow through. Follow the tunnels and blow through some other obstacles to reach a large chamber below. From the Spider Magnet lining along the wall, you can use the Grapple Beam to swing over a series of breakaway blocks (sadly what looks like a bridge to the Missile Tank can’t actually support Samus). Swing across the trio of Grapple Points to reach the ledge with the Expansion.

Missile Tank #3 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Grapple Beam

This is found on your way down from the Network Station en route to the Super Missile ability. You’ll pass a rotating plank and a magnetic box that block the path back – that’s how you know you’re headed in the right direction. Stop when you reach a large room with a flying whale enemy. There’s a Grapple Beam Block you can yank out of the way. Tuck into the hole it plugged to grab the Tank.

Missile Tank #4 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs

There’s a trail of Bomb blocks to the right of the Golzuna boss fight room. Use Bombs to blow through them and find a Missile Tank in the rock wall.

Missile Tank #5 [+2] | Requirements: Grapple Beam, Speed Booster

There’s a pretty easy Speed Booster puzzle in the room connected to the tram to Elun. Start from there, pull the Grapple Beam Door, and give yourself enough runway to sprint through. Hop up the platforms in the next room tom slam into the blocks in the left-hand wall and grab the Missile Tank inside.

Missile Tank #6 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs, Ice Missiles

This is found in a straight line up from the Save Station, past the flooded chamber and long Morph Ball tunnel. Climb up at the western end of that tunnel to find a fiery Enky, which you can destroy with an Ice Missile. Past that is a series of tunnels you can climb using the Morph Ball and its Bomb ability. The Missile Tank is found at the top of this winding path.

Missile Tank #7 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Ice Missile, Storm Missile

There’s a Storm Missile Block right next to the Green Teleportal, but you’ll need to head to the room to the southeast to remove it. Freeze the flowers there with an Ice Missile to give you enough time to hop on and pop all the green targets before the flower wilts. With the Storm Missile Box gone, you can hop right up and grab the Missile Tank on the Morph Ball-sized ledge.

Missile Tank #8 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Grapple Beam, Space Jump, Gravity Suit, Screw Attack

Start from the flooded chamber beneath the previous Missile Tank, but this time, use the Gravity Suit plus the Space Jump and Screw Attack to burst up through the blue blocks above the water. Open the Grapple Beam door and enter the next room, which is very tall. Space Jump your way up the left-hand wall to find a ledge. Grab it, hoist into the sloped Morph Ball tunnel, and grab the Tank.

Missile Tank #9 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Screw Attack, Cross Bomb

Start from the Green Teleportal and Screw Attack your way up to tunnel above. You can cross over the Pitfall Blocks using Cross Bombs to get to the Missile Tank on the other side.

Missile Tank #10 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Space Jump, Gravity Suit, Cross Bomb

There’s a Missile Tank in the flooded cave right under the Map Station. Bomb your way in from the left, then leap up through the water to the ledge above. Destroy the blocks there, then use a Cross Bomb to zip over the breakaway blocks to the Tank.

Missile Tank #11 [+2] | Requirements: Morph Ball, Gravity Suit

There’s one more Missile Tank here, right next to the Burenia elevator. Drop into the water, shoot the block, and jump to the ledge to tuck in and grab it.