When you’re playing as a survivor in Dead by Daylight, you have two options to escape. The first is to work together with your fellow survivors and repair five generators. When you finally escape as a team, you feel triumphant because you overcame evil together, not apart. The second is to cower in the tall grass, hoping you get lucky and find a hatch, or wait until one spawns when all of your fellow survivors have been sacrificed.

The hatch spawns in a random location on each map. It will only appear when there is just one survivor left in the Trial, or when the number of broken generators outnumbers the remaining Survivors. While the spawns are in the map’s major landmarks about 90% of the time, they do sometimes throw you a curveball and spawn in the more remote 10% of locations. However, you can burn the Annotated Blueprint to increase the likelihood of a hatch spawning at the Killer Shack, or a Vigo’s Blueprint to make the hatch more likely to spawn at main buildings. This applies to all of the following maps.

This guide is for those players who like to let others perish for their safety. Here we’ve covered all the known hatch spawn locations for each map in Dead by Daylight. A word of caution: The Killer can open and close the hatch, so be careful you don’t get caught in a trap.

The MacMillan Estate Map Hatch Locations

This section covers the hatch locations for the MacMillan Estate map.

Coal Tower

This is the huge building dominating the landscape. It groans and creaks as you walk past it. Look to the side of the coal tower, and you’ll see a two-story building. The hatch will spawn on the outside near the wheelhouse.

Groaning Storehouse

This is another huge building. You’ll know it because it’s got so many entrances and exits. The hatch could spawn in or around the main building. Keep an eye out.

The Ironworks of Misery

Another location you can’t miss. It’s the beating heart of the mine and the place you’ll be cornered in the most by Killers. Look for the hatch to spawn between two pipes on the first floor of the building.

Shelter Woods

A colossal tree marks this area. There are three potential areas to look for a hatch in. The first is near the cabin. If that doesn’t pay off, scout the area’s edges. There are two spawn points right on the area’s perimeter.

Suffocation Pit

With this final region, look for the huge house near the ramp. It’s also where you can see a hill near the farm. The hatch will spawn behind the large house.

The Autohaven Wreckers Map Hatch Locations

The following are the hatch locations for the Autohaven Wreckers maps.

Azarov’s Resting Place

This location really does have totally random hatch spawns. However, the chances are better for it spawning towards the map’s outer edge, between trees, and near generators. If a single area has all three, the chances are that the map will appear there as well.

Blood Lodge

This area has but one hatch, and it’s inside the lodge, right at the bottom of the map, down all those terrifying stairs. Don’t go there unless you absolutely have to.

Gas Haven

This hatch is another highly randomized one. Our best suggestion is to look around the outer edge and keep an eye on generators when the time comes.

Wretched Shop

There are two barrels and a tree behind the shop in this area. That’s where the hatch will spawn. Familiarize yourself with the area, so you know where to run to when you’re the only one left.

Wrecker’s Yard

This location is another randomized one. The pattern seems to be that the hatch will spawn near trees but also inside buildings. When you need to find it quick, go for the trees first.

Coldwind Farms Map Hatch Locations

The following are the hatch locations for all the Coldwind Farms maps.

Fractured Cowshed

There’s a blimp crash site on this area. The hatch spawns north or northeast of it. You shouldn’t have trouble finding the site, so just run there and start your search when the time comes.

The Thompson House

Head to the back of the house. The hatch is going to spawn on the lower porch in a back corner. Learn this location so you can get there fast.

Torment Creek

There’s a building in this region that’s half torn down. The hatch will spawn beside it. This is a tricky one because everything looks the same. Just remember that it’s the half torn down building, that should help.

Rancid Abattoir

This is one that everyone knows. There’s a room with hanging dead pigs in. This is the room in which the hatch generally spawns. The hatch can also spawn near the exits, but it’ll be beside a fence. This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s the pattern we’ve seen in the spawns.

Rotten Fields

You’ll almost certainly see a hatch spawn in one of the fields near the exit. For the most part, though, this map has extremely random hatch spawns. Keep looking through the crops to see what you can find.

The Crotus Prenn Asylum Map Hatch Locations

The following are the hatch locations for the two maps in this area.

Disturbed Ward

The hatch spawns here are very random. What seems to be a common thread between them is that they spawn near bonfires. If you’re stuck, look for one.

Father Campbell’s Chapel

For this hatch, you want to find the shack on the map. The hatch almost always spawns inside it. If that fails, look for generators on the edge of the map.

Haddonfield Map Hatch Locations

Lampkin Lane

This map has very predictable spawn locations. You need to look on the paved road. The hatch will spawn in the middle or at either end.

Blackwater Swamp Map Hatch Locations

These are the hatch spawn locations for the Black Water Swamp maps.

The Pale Rose

Unfortunately, the hatch spawns here are more random than anyone can track. Look to the outer edges for a good start. Just bear in mind that the hatch could also spawn on the second floor of a building.

Grim Pantry

Yet another extremely random map for hatch spawns. Try to look in the center of the map since that’s generally a great place to start finding the hatch.

Lery’s Memorial Institute Map Hatch Locations

Treatment Theatre

This map is quite random, but you can predict where the hatch will spawn to some degree. Look for the corridors that are at the corners of the map. There’s a better chance of it spawning there than anywhere else.

Red Forest Map Hatch Locations

Mother’s Dwelling

Telling you that trees are great for the hatch spawn here isn’t helpful, we know, but that’s what we’re telling you nonetheless. The hatch is far more likely to spawn near tall trees that stand out, so seek those out if you’re on the run as the last survivor.

Springwood Map Hatch Locations

Badham Preschool

There are two key locations that you’ll find the hatch spawning in here. The first is the boiler room in the basement. The second is at the end of the road, which is conveniently near an exit.

Gideon Meat Plant Map Hatch Locations

The Game

On this map, you need to look for the stairs going downwards and follow them. The hatch spawns at the bottom-most of the time. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. If it isn’t the time you take a chance on it, you will die.

Yamaoka Estate Map Hatch Locations

Family Residence

The rule of the center applies here. The hatch almost always spawns in the center of the map. It’s in the section where bamboo canes are growing amid a few low concrete walls.

Ormond Map Hatch Locations

Mount Ormond Resort

Hatches are always more likely to spawn near generators. That’s definitely true here. You’ll find that the hatch is almost always near one. Check every generator you know about. Luckily they’re incredibly noisy and easy to track down. That’s the same for the Killer, though.

Hawkins National Library Map Hatch Locations

This map has now been removed from Dead by Daylight for all players except those that own the Stranger Things DLC.

The Underground Complex

For this map specifically, the hatch will only spawn on the lowest level. That means going down as far as you can, which is risky with a Killer on the loose. Once there, check around the edges, and then look for generators.

Grave of Glenvale Map Hatch Locations

Dead Dawg Saloon

Here the hatches are random. Go with the reliable tips of generators and check the edges first. If it’s not in any of those locations, it might be in the center.

Silent Hill Map Hatch Locations

Midwich Elementary School

This last map is also random, but it’s even more complex than that. The issue is that the hatch can spawn under hunks of flesh, which means you have to look even harder for them. Don’t let a lump go by without you rubbing your face in it.

Forsaken Boneyard Map Hatch Locations

With this map, developer Behaviour Interactive really didn’t want to allow players to game the system and lurk close to hatch spawn locations. The hatches here are random, but sticking to the edges or center are always good tactics.

Raccoon City Map Hatch Locations

This may be the finest franchise tie-in map ever to grace Dead by Daylight, but it’s also one of the toughest to escape from. As with all recently added maps, the hatch spawn locations are incredibly random, with edges, the center, and the Killer’s shack being great locations to try to find it when the time comes.