The tiniest map in Phasmophobia is Camp Woodwind, and also one of the best to play as a beginner! Though, it can still be difficult if you venture into the harder difficulties, like Nightmare. The ghosts can still be just as lethal. However, there is an option that couple potentially save your life. Camp Woodwind features hiding spots on each side of the map, giving you a quick escape from lingering ghosts. Keep reading to learn about all the hiding spots for Camp Woodwind in Phasmophobia!

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Where to Find all Camp Woodwind Hiding Spots in Phasmophobia

Coolers By the White Tent

When you enter the map, you can find this location on your left. However, this Phasmophobia hiding spot is easy to overlook. Keep your eyes open and really pay attention when trying to find it. The spot is marked by three coolers stacked on top of each other near a white tent, and two brown benches. The bottom cooler is red, the middle is blue and the top one is black.

Blue Tent Coolers

This next location can be found toward the middle of the map. There should be a large blue tent, and near it will be 4 stacks of multicolored coolers stacked in an “L” shape. To be fully hidden, you have to ensure that you are all the way in the hiding spot, on the inside of the corner created by the cooler stacks. Otherwise you will be still be able to be found by malevolent ghosts. However, it has to potential to be an excellent Phasmophobia Hiding Spot.

Canopy Barrels

This hiding spot is another that is pretty easy to find. Just as you enter the campsite, if you look to your right you will see some barrels. However, this portion of the map is pretty dark, so look around for the first white canopy. The barrels will be stacked up in that area, and provide a good hiding spot from ghosts in Phasmophobia.

Inside the Canopy

If you keep traveling through the campsite, the next canopy that you come across will be able to provide you with more cover. Inside the canopy you will see a few coolers, and to the right of those, a few big tables that you can hide in between. However, when you do this, you should stay behind the coolers on the table for the best possible Phasmophobia hiding spot.

Bathroom Stalls

Once you enter the campsite, if you head straight, you’ll come across the bathroom sooner or later. If you enter the bathroom, there are two stalls that you can use as hiding spots.

Behind Sleeping Bags

If you look around, you’ll find that there’s only one yellow tent in the campsite. There is a stack of rolled up, colorful sleeping bags just inside the tent, and you can hide behind them! Just make sure you are toward the edge of the tend and not in the center of the opening, otherwise the hiding spot may not work for you.

Purple Tents

Near the bathroom stalls, there are a couple of small purple tents. You can hide in each of these. All you have to do is crawl in and close up the tent behind you.

Now that you know all the hiding spots in Camp Woodwind in Phasmophobia, taking on the map at higher difficulties should be no problem for you!