Riders Republic is still a new game, so there are bound to be some glitches at the start. The issue though, is that some of these glitches are detrimental to gameplay, especially where racing and scoring is concerned. So, here are the known glitches and how to deal with them.

Please note: although we have tried to provide some ways to fix glitches, some are purely out of the control of the player!

Clock Stopping/Scoreboard Freezing

In some instances, the very thing that determines whether you win a trial or race doesn’t work, and that is the clock/scoreboard! You may notice that whilst doing a trick-based battle sometimes your tricks will not add onto the scoreboard despite the screen flashing up with an Awesome or Epic after them.

As annoying as it may be, the only way currently to re-activate the clock/scoreboard is to Restart the trial or race. We know it’s not the most convenient, especially when you’ve just landed a legendary 900 Rodeo Tailwhip - but if you want to win you need the scores to count!

Backtrack Glitch

We did cover this one on launch day, but just in case you missed it there is a slight glitch with the backtracking mode. At times, you will stay stuck in the gray, shaky state that you appear to be in when using backtrack. To undo this simply Backtrack Again or Change Your Mode of Transport.

Invisible Wall

Sometimes when playing we have encountered an invisible wall. No, this isn’t quite the one that stops you from going off of the map’s edge; this is one that seemingly comes out of nowhere and bounces you backwards!

It is especially inconvenient during races, and unfortunately there is no way to predict or fix it. Only Ubisoft has the power there!

What we can suggest at least, is that you don’t do anything on the controller when this happens, as it is possible to still continue afterwards and win. If you are aiming for a no backtrack, no fall run then the best bet is to let the wall have its way. Otherwise, you might just flip yourself into turtle position!

On the Rocks (Stuck)

Another glitch we have noticed is getting stuck in the rocks, or tripping over rocks you weren’t really that close to. This happens most often during beat the clock races such as Red Bull’s Hardline. These sorts of races are difficult enough without your bike deciding to stick like glue to a boulder!

Similarly to the invisible wall, there isn’t really a way to fix it. Seeing as the game isn’t all too satisfied with the reversing mechanic, once you are stuck you are stuck! Unless you restart or happen to glitch bounce back out of the spot.

The one thing we can suggest is prevention i.e: stay away from the rocks during races! Sounds simple, right? We know, but when you are on a dirt path and drifting round every other corner, you’re most likely going to get close to those rocky boundaries, so just try stay as central as possible (unless you are in a race trying to overtake).

Presently, these are the ones that we have found and know about. We will be sure to keep you updated with any subsequent glitches, or fixes that we learn about so you can beat these glitches into submission!

Wanting more content? Check out how to complete the Rodeo and Cork training in Riders Republic!