The Domain of Vabbi map in Guild Wars 2 is the last of the maps to be explored from the Path of Fire expansion. In this map, which is vital to the final story arch of the expansion, players will come across various landscapes and enemies. However, the most prominent feature of this map is the Brand that extends across much of the eastern part.

This map also has several different Mastery Insight Points that players must collect to complete the map. The Mastery Points in the Domain of Vabbi consist of three unique main tasks that players must complete—accessing the Points, Riddles, and beating up Djinn.

Kumaa the Feisty

Kumaa the Feisty is located on the left side of the map. You’ll need either a Springer or a Skyscale to reach him and can do so by hopping up the rocks on the cliff face. First, you’ll need to speak to him and beat him up.

Jilai the Radiant

Jilai is a simple Djinn to reach. You need to approach him and then interact with him to start the fight.

Yitfei the Light

Yitfei is a Djinn who will ask you to complete riddles to progress. Unfortunately, while you’re in the riddle mode, you will sustain mental anguish, which will drain your health slowly.

Yahnur Sandfall

This Point is located in a cave. You can reach it via a Sand Portal that requires a Jackal or drop in from above through a gap in the cave’s roof.

Zagonur Towers

Located next to what looks like a Stargate, this Point is accessible through a Skyscale or Springer, but you’ll take damage until you enter the bubble if you’re using the Springer.

Ziadih the fearless

You’ll need to approach her and fight her to complete her Mastery. She’s located in the Brand, but protected by a bubble.

Kodash brazier

You’ll need a Skimmer or a Skyscale. There are some foes around this Point that you’ll need to fight off. You don’t need to worry about the lightning around the Point as it’s covered from above.

Juaruadun the Flawless

This is also located in the Brand, so you’ll need to use a Skimmer or a Skyscale. Touching the ground will cause you to get hit with lightning. Once you reach them, you’ll need to answer some riddles to progress.

Yoonam the Intrepid

To reach him, you’ll need a Skimmer or a Skyscale. Don’t touch the ground if possible, or you’ll be struck by lightning. Once you find him, you’ll need to fight him.

Kaadsseo the Wise

You’ll need a Springer with High Jump or a Skyscale to reach the Djinn. Again you’ll need to answer a series of questions to complete the Mastery.

Zomi the Accomplished

This Djinn is easy to reach, you can enter through one of two different entrances to the building. However, you’ll need to answer a series of riddles to complete the Mastery.