GhostWire: Tokyo introduces players to various supernatural abilities while playing as Akito. There are plenty of ways to augment Akito’s performance in the field against the Visitors and one way to alter his stats with artifacts known as Omikuji.
Omikuji give temporary buffs or debuffs depending on which players draw. Players can activate only one of these stat changes at once. We’ve listed the stat changes provided by the OmiKuji ranked from luckiest to unluckiest below:
Where to get Omikuji
Players can draw paper fortunes that create Omikuji Effects at shrines in GhostWire: Tokyo in exchange for some of their Meika. Look for the item shown below if you’d like to test your luck and see what stat change you get. If you’re unhappy with your draw, you can spend more Meika to get another Omikuji.
For more on GhostWire: Tokyo, visit some of our other articles on Pro Game Guides, like What graphics mode should you choose on PlayStation 5 in Ghostwire: Tokyo.