Get yourself familiar with all the ghost types in Phasmophobia!


Greetings, ghost hunters!  Phasmophobia has been growing its roster of ghost types lately, and with every update, players might find themselves intimidated by the variety of ways in which they manifest.  There are the more predictable, almost shy varieties, but also some who are incredibly aggressive and dangerous to provoke.  It’s crucial to know your differences, and while the journal can be handy when you’re in a safe place, it’s not a bad idea to have a resource like this one to keep nearby for when you need to identify a ghost quickly, especially if it helps you get your allies out of the haunted location.  Read on for our list of All Phasmophobia Ghost Types, Evidence, Strengths, and Weaknesses.

All Phasmophobia Ghost Types, Evidence, Strengths, and Weaknesses


Description: Spirits are very common ghosts.  They are very powerful, but passive, only attacking when they need to.  They defend their place of death to the utmost degree, killing anyone that is caught overstaying their welcome.

Weakness: A spirit can be temporarily stopped by burning Smudge Sticks near them.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing

Spirits are approachable ghost types for Phasmophobia newcomers, as you can get your setup done, gather your evidence, identify, and potentially leave quickly.  But due to it not having very distinctive features if you don’t gather all the evidence, it can be mistaken for other ghosts.  If you isolate the ghost’s location though, use smudge sticks, as this will usually prevent hunts for a full 3 minutes.  If it hunts only after those 3 minutes up, there’s a greater likelihood of it being a spirit, due to its aversion to the tool.


Description: Wraiths are one of the most dangerous ghosts you will find.  It is also the only known ghost that has the ability of flight and has sometimes been known to travel through walls.

Strength: Wraiths rarely touch the ground, meaning they can’t be tracked by footsteps.

Weakness: Wraiths have a toxic reaction to Salt.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • DOTS Projector

Wraiths can be hard to identify due to their strengths, but the DOTS Projector makes this an easier task as they’ll track silhouettes, not footprints.  Combine that with the mainstay Spirit Box and EMF for finding evidence, both of which are relatively easy to use.  Consider using salt as well, along with a UV light/glowstick; if the wraith leaves marks on the salt, aim your UV light towards any signs of movement, as most ghosts will often leave footprints, but not the wraith, indicating a greater likelihood that this is the ghost you’re dealing with.  Also, if your EMF goes off randomly through the map, the wraith could be teleporting to you, but make sure this is not a one-off ghost event; if it happens more often, chances are it’s a wraith.


Description: A Phantom is a ghost that can possess the living, inducing fear into those around it.  They are most commonly summoned from Ouija Boards.

Strength: Looking at a Phantom will drop your sanity considerably faster.

Weakness: Taking a photo of a Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.

  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • DOTS Projector

The Phantom is a risky ghost, with its strength very much playing into its weakness and vice versa; don’t look at it any longer than you need to, and snap a picture for the bonus of a shot at a quick getaway.  Also, more importantly, check your photos once you escape – if the photo says “ghost” but has no discernible figure shown, this increases the chances that you’re hunting a Phantom.  It’s a ghost that doesn’t wish to be seen but communicates effectively in its ways.  Using the Ouija Board is referenced in the description, but in general, cursed items such as this will draw out any ghost due to its drain on your sanity upon using it.


Description: One of the most famous ghosts, is the Poltergeist.  Known to manipulate objects around it to spread fear into its victims.

Strength: Poltergeists can throw multiple objects at once.

Weakness: With nothing to throw, Poltergeists become powerless.

  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing

It stands to reason that the primary way you’ll be able to gather evidence with this ghost is, if it gives its telltale trait away quickly, you can drop down the book for some ghost writing and check for fingerprints fast because you know this ghost is interacting with objects and will likely leave clues.  To prevent mistaking this for an Oni, who also likes to throw objects, if you notice environmental interaction nearby you, have a player watching for any dips in your sanity.  If it drops after interactions like this, it’s a greater chance you’re dealing with a Poltergeist.  Naturally, on Nightmare difficulty, the sanity tracking method won’t work, so always make sure you’re doing your best to gather evidence.


Description: The singing siren is known for attracting its victims through song.  It has been known to single out its prey before making a killing blow.

Strength: Banshee’s will weaken their target before striking.

Weakness: Banshee’s can sometimes be heard screaming with a parabolic microphone.


  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb
  • DOTS Projector

The fun part about gathering evidence Phasmophobia ghost types like this is that the ghost orbs and DOTS projectors can be easily observed by putting a camera on a tripod facing one or more DOTS projectors.  If you view the live footage from the truck, even in solo play, you’ll eventually spot the ghost if they present this type of evidence, along with the orbs throughout.  The only downside is that this shares trait in common with the Thaye ghost, so if you have trouble spotting fingerprints or ghost writing, whip out the parabolic mic, move around, and listen for that lovely Banshee scream, and don’t leave your group to go toward the sound after that.


Description: A Jinn is a territorial ghost that will attack when threatened.  It has also been known to be able to travel at significant speed.

Strength: A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if its victim is far away.

Weakness: Turning off the location’s power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures

Ghost types that give off freezing temperatures in Phasmophobia are reasonably easy to spot, thanks to the visible freezing breath.  That being said, bring a thermometer to confirm, and then isolate the other evidence accordingly.  The main thing with Jinn – if you have all but confirmed your suspicion that the ghost is this type, know where the breaker is, and a hunt commences, shut it off quickly to prevent the Jinn from being able to give chase.

But if you wish to confirm it’s a Jinn even further, leave the breaker on, and provoke a ghost hunt at a distance away from the likely manifestation spot; if the Jinn spawns, it’ll immediately pick up speed, so prepare smudge sticks if it gets too close – also, if it reaches you and slows down just before catching you, that’s another sign of a Jinn.


Description: A Mare is the source of all nightmares, making it most powerful in the dark.

Strength: A Mare will have an increased chance to attack in the dark.

Weakness: Turning the lights on around the Mare will lower its chance to attack.

  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing

The Mare is a pretty manageable ghost.  Make sure somebody can quickly switch on the breaker, and turn on any lights in the room you suspect the ghost might be in.  The mare favors breaking lights as a ghost event, so this can be a telltale sign, and if any lights are suddenly turned on, this automatically rules out the Mare.  But be sure to be very quick in gathering your evidence, as the Spirit Box, in particular, requires you to be near the ghost’s location, and coupled with you likely being caught in the dark and losing sanity fast, you can be quite vulnerable to hunts while investigating, so report findings fast, same with the ghost writing.


Description: A Revenant is a violent ghost that will attack indiscriminately.  Their speed can be deceiving, as they are slow while dormant: however, as soon as they hunt they can move incredibly fast.

Strength: A Revenant will travel at a significantly faster speed when hunting their prey.

Weakness: Hiding from the Revenant will cause it to move very slowly.

  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures

This is a general demonstration of what you should practice for any ghost hunting exercise, but if your team stays on top of the ghost possibilities as you narrow down what it could be, you should prepare for the types of danger they pose.  If you suspect it’s a Revenant, hide, instead of trying to run.  While hiding, listen for sparse footsteps – this indicates slow movement you otherwise don’t hear when running from it, largely confirming the Revenant as your ghost.


Description: A Shade is known to be very shy.  There is evidence to suggest that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby.

Strength: Shades are much harder to find.

Weakness: The ghost will not enter a hunt if there are multiple people nearby.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures

Shades can be tricky if you’re looking to have a fruitful hunt where you can produce photographs and make lots of money.  But this is where photographing its interactions with the environment (when a sink turns on and fills up, always take a picture) and anything like bones you find, will come in handy.  Try to identify the ghost’s room with either EMF or the thermometer, and have players stay out of it, leaving the ghost writing book inside.

If your team’s sanity drops below the average threshold of 50 and you’re nearby the room, and no hunt begins, this can also indicate it’s a Shade.  But don’t get complacent, just try to gather what evidence you can, use cursed possessions as needed for bonuses or possible interactions, and get out.


Description: Demons are the most aggressive ghosts we’ve ever encountered.  Known to attack without reason, they seem to enjoy the thrill of the hunt.

Strength: Demons will initiate hunts more often than other ghosts.

Weakness: Demons fear the Crucifix and will be less aggressive near one.

  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures

Demons do their best to kill players quickly, and as such, if a hunt begins early without seemingly any provocation, any party members should consider going to the truck and grabbing a crucifix, or sticking with another who has one.  Keep in mind, that they only have 2 uses for warding off ghosts, so do your best to gather evidence or photos you need without provoking it too often, and then get out.

When confirming it’s a Demon, keep an eye on the wait times between hunts – if they’re frequent, coupled with a greater effective range of the crucifix, you’ve likely got a Demon.  If you need extra time and have isolated where the ghost appears, consider smudge sticks for extra warding in that area.  Also, if you ask questions on the Ouija board and note no drops in sanity, you’ve got a likely Demon.


Description: A Yurei is a ghost that has returned to the physical world, usually for revenge or hatred.

Strength: Yureis have been known to have a stronger effect on people’s sanity.

Weakness: Smudging the Yurei’s place of death will trap it temporarily, reducing how much it wanders.

  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • DOTS Projector

Stay nearby objects that can often be interacted with, and watch your sanity.  If there’s a stronger drop than usual during an interaction, like a door you left often being closed, there’s a decent chance you’re dealing with a Yurei, but keep an eye on the evidence as well.  This can be a bit of an aggressive ghost but you can cordon it off in a pinch with smudge sticks, making it easier for the group to return intact.  It’s a pain that carrying smudge sticks also requires you to take a whole other inventory space for the lighter, but that’s the game we play.


Description: Onis love to scare their victims as much as possible before attacking.  They are often seen in their physical form, guarding their place of death.

Strength: Onis are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speed.

Weakness: Onis are very active, making them easier to find.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • DOTS Projector

While this ghost is among the types that will be a drain on your sanity in Phasmophobia, you can take advantage of how they like to manifest for photographs, and them presenting in physical form will be a good tipoff that this is could be what you’re dealing with.  But if it keeps spooking the team, have rounds of sanity pills ready to prevent a nasty hunt from happening.  As a general rule, if you see an object being thrown across the room as opposed to being slightly tossed or dropped, this indicates a likely Oni in the house.


Description: Yokai are common ghosts that are attracted to human voices.  They can usually be found haunting family homes.

Strength: Talking near a Yokai will anger it, increasing the chance of an attack.

Weakness: When hunting, a Yokai can only hear voices close to it.

  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • DOTS Projector

While it’s unfortunate that this is one of the ghost types that are particularly susceptible to trigger phrases in Phasmophobia, you can take advantage of that, especially if you’re faced with an ‘escape a ghost hunt’ objective.  But in general, if you’re trying to avoid these, and indeed any ghost, it’s best to know your map and communicate early on where the good hiding spots and escape routes are when first investigating a place or within the truck, so you can keep the speaking to a minimum while being hunted.  Given the likelihood that you’ll be playing in Multiplayer and thus more often speaking while investigating, it might be good to adopt practices where speaking even before hunts are kept to a minimum, but this will take time to adjust.


Description: A Hantu is a rare ghost that thrives in the coldest climates.  The cold seems to make them more aggressive and empowered.

Strength: Lower temperatures allow the Hantu to move at faster speeds.

Weakness: Hantus move slower in warmer areas.

  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures

If you’re confident you’re facing a Hantu, triggering a hunt to get pictures might be fairly easy as long as you scope out cold areas vs. warm areas in the location.  Once you do, you can trigger it in its typical location or areas you see freezing breath just near the exit, get your shots, and make a run for warmer areas.

This ghost will be more difficult and powerful in snowy weather so be mindful as you step off the truck as to what you’re dealing with, and if you’re on the campsite, this will be particularly dangerous, so seek out the cabin as temperatures elsewhere on the map generally run pretty low.  If you wish to confirm the Hantu while it hunts, use smudge sticks around it and watch for its breath; if it’s freezing, you’ve likely got a Hantu.


Description: When a Goryo passes through the DOTS projector, using the video camera is the only way to see it.

Strength: A Goryo will usually only show itself on camera if there are no people nearby.

Weakness: They are rarely seen far from their place of death.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • DOTS Projector

This one is a bit redundant since you’ll likely be wanting to use the camera feed for DOTS activity anyway for corresponding Phasmophobia ghost types that leave this evidence.  But given the varying other types of evidence that require direct searching, this one can be a bit daunting, so be sure to run the evidence you find against other ghosts who show DOTS activity to narrow it down further.  If you’ve spotted the silhouette on camera, try going to the area you’ve got the projector planted and see if you spot any activity, if there is, you can likely confirm it is not a Goryo.


Description: A Myling is a very vocal and active ghost.  They are rumored to be quiet when hunting their prey.

Strength: A Myling is known to be quieter when hunting.

Weakness: Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing

Much like other noisy ghost types in Phasmophobia, follow the voices as your cue for where you can obtain evidence, and work from there, pretty self-explanatory.  If it makes lots of sounds, it’s a possible Myling, and if you hear footsteps while your electronics flicker during a hunt, this further indicates a likely Myling.


Description: The Onryo is often referred to as “The Wrathful Spirit”.  It steals souls from dying victims’ bodies to seek revenge.  This ghost has been known to fear any form of fire and will do anything to be far from it.

Strength: Extinguishing a flame can cause an Onryo to attack.

Weakness: When threatened, this ghost will be less likely to hunt.

  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures

This one might be a bit tricky to prepare for, but lighting a candle and having it blown out by the ghost a few times will be a big tipoff or a campfire such as at the campsite map.  The Onryo will try to blow out these flames more often than other ghosts, which makes this a tough opponent since lit candles are supposed to act as protection against evil spirits.  Remember that the candle has to be extinguished by the ghost and that throwing it to extinguish the flame won’t count toward provoking a hunt.  One trick to rule out or confirm an Onryo is to drop a lit candle with a crucifix – if the crucifix gets damaged before the candle is blown out, this means a hunt was attempted with an active candle, ruling out the Onryo.

The Twins

Description: These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other’s actions.  They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey.

Strength: Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey.

Weakness: The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • Freezing Temperatures

This is a case of communication between teammates before a hunt.  Note any environmental interactions from the ghost, as simultaneous environmental interactions are a big indicator.  It can help narrow down between The Twins and a Poltergeist, and the only common evidence those two share is the Spirit Box, so if you get EMF or Freezing temperatures, you’ll have an easier time identifying this one.  On the flip side, on bigger maps, this can make it harder to confirm, but if you’ve already gathered some evidence, and then gone to rooms where more interactions occurred but show no signs on your equipment, you’ve likely got the second twin running interference.


Description: A Raiju is a demon that thrives on the electrical current.  While generally calm, they can become agitated when overwhelmed with power.

Strength: A Raiju can siphon power from nearby electrical devices, making it move faster.

Weakness: Raiju is constantly disrupting electrical equipment when attacking, making it easier to track.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Orb
  • DOTS Projector

This one’s tricky just due to how much of your equipment is electronics, but thankfully you don’t need to be around it too often due to the combination of the ghost orb and DOTS projector evidence.  Have somebody stationed at the truck, observing for that combination of evidence, this should be a common practice until the information is confirmed.  Snapping pics can be a bit tricky with the disruption but do it fast.  Finally, don’t drop electronics in the ghost room, the Raiju will harness these; keep them with you, and switch to non-electronics if possible when hunted.


Description: Obake are terrifying shape-shifters, capable of taking on many forms.  They have been seen taking on humanoid shapes to attract their prey.

Strength: When interacting with the environment, an Obake will rarely leave a trace.

Weakness: Sometimes this ghost will shapeshift, leaving behind unique evidence.

  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb

If you suspect an Obake, take pictures of any surface or object with which the ghost interacts.  Unique evidence, in this case, comes in the form of things such as 6-fingered handprints, or 2 fingerprints on surfaces normally having one, or 5 fingerprints where there are usually 4.  Take pictures of areas with which the ghost has interacted and review for later, on top of checking with UV flashlights.  This type of evidence is a dead giveaway.  If their fingerprints also disappear quickly, this is also another likely indicator of an Obake, they like to leave no trace.

The Mimic

Description: The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirrors traits and behaviors from others, including other ghost types.

Strength: We’re unsure what this ghost is capable of.  Be careful.

Weakness: Several reports have noted ghost orb sightings near mimics.

  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures

The Mimic is a bit of a spoiler of a ghost in that you can do everything right and think you’ve spotted the telltale signs of one or more of the Phasmophobia ghost types, but then the rewards screen reveals to you that the ghost among us was an imposter the whole time.  This is a strong case for checking all the evidence before jumping to conclusions and be sure to always have a camera stationed near where the ghost pops up, as that’ll essentially act as a fourth form of evidence, ghost orbs, confirming the Mimic.


Description: Moroi have risen from the grave to drain energy from the living.  They have been known to place curses on their victims, curable only by antidotes or moving very far away.

Strength: The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi becomes.

Weakness: Moroi suffer from hyperosmia, weakening them for longer periods.

  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures

This is a case for having a player monitor the team’s average sanity for any of the ghost types in Phasmophobia.  As it drops lower, have the team note whether any hunts appear to have the ghost moving faster than usual, and have someone watching camera feeds for this as well.  The Moroi will also drain your sanity quickly, including through the Spirit Box, so remember this for any ghost: once you’ve confirmed one interaction, avoid using it again, and have a teammate watch for a drop in sanity.


Description: Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, Deogen have been eluding ghost hunters for years.  These ghosts have been reported to find even the most hidden prey, before stalking them into exhaustion.

Strength: Deogen constantly sense the living.  You can run but you can’t hide.

Weakness: Deogen require a lot of energy to form and will move very slowly when approaching its victim.

  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing
  • DOTS Projector

The Deogen is a ghost you can’t properly hide from, so get familiar with areas in given maps where you can either maintain a straight path away from the ghost, or something around which you can bait the ghost into an endless loop such as a kitchen island, and have smudge sticks handy if you’re prepared to be the target.  This is especially good if you’ve already confirmed the ghost type, and want to also take pictures for more bonuses.


Description: Thaye have been known to rapidly age over time, even in the afterlife.  From what we’ve learned, they seem to deteriorate faster while within the presence of the living.

Strength: Upon entering the location, Thaye will become active, defensive, and agile.

Weakness: Thaye will weaken over time, making them weaker, slower, and less aggressive.

  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing
  • DOTS Projector

The Thaye slows down with subsequent hunts, and if you notice this, you can confirm this quickly.  They show interactions early on when you’re investigating the location, too.  This can help gather photos for bonuses.  Also, if you note interactions quickly, drop the camera, DOTS projector, and ghost writing book quickly, if you don’t get any of these early on, you can likely rule out a Thaye.

This concludes our guide to All Phasmophobia Ghost Types, Evidence, Strengths, and Weaknesses!  Be sure to check out our other guides to the game, and equip yourself while hunting for all things paranormal!

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / All Phasmophobia Ghost Types, Evidence, Strengths, and Weaknesses

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