Catalyst Black is a team-based shooter where you use masks to take on the form of Primals and use their powers to try and win the fight for your team. At the time of writing, there are five playable characters in the game, but the roster is expected to grow post game’s launch on May 25.


Issia is a damage-dealing who casts frost-based abilities. Although she can be quite squishy, if played well, she can carry her team to victory.

  • Attack: Glacial Torrent – Calls down a deluge of ice in front of her, damaging anything caught in its path.Power: Deep Freeze – Issia will harden herself into an unbreakable form, emanating cold damage to anything around her.Power: Polar Vortex – Calls down a snowstorm that does damage over time to enemies caught inside it.Power: Wing Sweep – Issia strikes out her wings, issuing a powerful gust of wind that backs anything in front of her.Relics: Issia has three relics: Seeking Storm, Shiver Shroud, and Stillness. Seeking Storm will emanate an aura of cold, slowing enemies around Issia. Shiver Shroud will give Issia a protective barrier that regenerates over time. Lastly, Seeking Storm will allow Issia to periodically target an enemy around her, striking them with an icy torrent from above.


Classified as a melee bruiser, Jainx is a Primal who specializes in crowd control — meaning if you want to absolutely shut down a team’s ability to fight in a battle, you’ll want to consider bringing him along.

  • Attack: Violent Pierce – Thrusts his spear forward, dealing damage to any enemies in its path. Once the spear reaches full extension, it’ll release a small explosion of energy that will deal damage to anything in the area.Power: Corral – Jainx targets an area, pulling all his enemies towards the center, damaging them in the collision.Power: Savage Charge – Charging forward, Jainx will damage any energy he collides into and will drag them along his path.Relics: Jainx’s two Relics are Dread and Spite. Dread will have Jainx emanate an aura of dread that drains HP from his enemies and will restore health back to his allies instead. Spite allows for any damage that Jainx deals to his enemies will be returned to him as health.


Nock is an adorable little Primal who is a movement-based Primal and can augment the damage of her allies.

  • Attack: Zoom! – Nock will dash that will attack enemies.Power: Faster! – Increases Nock’s movement speed and burns all nearby enemies.Power: Poof! – Teleports Nock to a target location, dealing damage to nearby enemies at the beginning and end of the teleportation.Power: Watch This! – Nock will shoot out of a small ball of primal energy. When it hits an enemy, a massive explosion damages everything in the area.Relics: Nock’s Relics are Catch Me!, Hide and Seek!, and Playtime!. Catch Me! gives Nock an extra charge of Zoom! while slightly increasing its cooldown. Hide and Seek! allows for Nock to freely switch back and forth between human and primal forms for the duration of her transformation. With PlayTime!, it will increase all nearby allies’ movement speed.


Sunder is a powerful and speedy melee Primal that can close distances very quickly while also doing great damage in the process. So, if you like speedy characters who can deal damage and then get out before things get hairy, this is your character.

  • Attack: Slash – Sunder reaches out with powerful claws to tear through the enemies in front of him.Power: Breath of Rage – Sunder releases a beam directly in front of him.Power: Leap Slam – Sunder leaps into the air before slamming back down to the ground and dealing damage.Power: Primal Rage – Sunder will howl and then grow in size. His size, speed, and power will increase. All incoming damage will significantly decrease.Relics: Sunder’s Relics are Feral Inspiration, Hunter, and Rampage. Feral Inspiration increases Sunder and his allies’ damage. Hunter will greatly increase Sunder’s movement speed. Finally, Rampage will extend Sunder’s time in Primal form with every kill he gets.


Torden is a melee protector Primal that can buff his allies at a moment’s notice. So, if your team needs that extra boost in power, Torden is the Primal you need.

  • Attack: Smash – Sends his hammer into nearby enemies, dealing damagePower: Guardian – Torden will target an area and grant all allies inside a large shield.Power: Reckoning – Torden will teleport himself from one of the map to another.Power: Thunderbolt – A bolt of lightning will come down from the sky and strike an area, damaging anyone in it.Relics: Torden’s Relics are Blessing of Protection, Enter the Storm, and Smite. Blessing of Protection will give a nearby ally a temporary shield. Enter the Storm will give allies near Torden a shield. Lastly, Smite will have Torden infuse his hammer with power, increasing both the area and damage dealt from Smash.