The main selling point for Overwatch 2 is its bright and colorful cast of heroes. Every character has dedicated lore behind them, even though that doesn’t come out much in terms of gameplay in the PvP multiplayer. People have fallen in love with these personalities and will rally behind their favorites. Here is every single playable hero character in Overwatch 2.

Full list of Overwatch 2 heroes

Tank class heroes

  • D.Va – A Korean esports champion turned national defender. She is a part of a team of mech pilots that protect Busan from incoming Omnic threats.
  • Doomfist – Formerly a Damage hero, Doomfist has a Rocket Punch ability to punch enemies into walls. He has added durability and lessened damage to account for the class change.
  • Junker Queen – The ruler of Junkertown, she relies on slashing her enemies up and benefiting from their pain.
  • Orisa – A protector from Numbani created by the child prodigy Efi Oladele. She has been reworked to no longer have a barrier and attacks enemies with javelins.
  • Ramattra – The leader of Null Sector, a group of Omnics taking radical means into hand to fight for better Omnic lives. Former Shambali monk who considers Zenyatta a brother.
  • Reinhardt – A German crusader who loves to earn glory on the battlefield. He has a wrist-mounted barrier to protect his teammates.
  • Roadhog – A Junkertown thief who went on a worldwide crime spree with Junkrat. Hooks enemies to pull them closer and get easy shots on them.
  • Sigma – A scientist brainwashed by the terrorist group Talon. Can control gravity and create barriers.
  • Winston – A scientifically enhanced gorilla from the moon base Horizon Lunar Colony. Has an electrical wave gun to zap enemies.
  • Wrecking Ball – A scientifically enhanced hamster from the moon base Horizon Lunar Colony. Patrols around in a mech ball he created to compete in Junkertown battles.

Damage class heroes

  • Ashe – A former socialite who is the head of the Deadlock gang. Her former butler B.O.B. is her bodyguard.
  • Bastion – A former Omnic that broke down in a forest when heading to attack civilization. Can transform into various offensive configurations to lay down heavy fire on enemies.
  • Cassidy – A former Deadlock gang member who joined Overwatch and was a part of the Blackwatch team. Relies on his trusty sixshooter to take care of enemies.
  • Echo – An evolutionary robot created to fit the style of any needed role on the battlefield. Can transform into any other hero and use their abilities momentarily.
  • Genji – The younger brother of Hanzo, he was attacked by the older Shimada and left for dead. Now a cyborg, he uses his robotic body to attack enemies.
  • Hanzo – The older brother of Genji, he swore never to pick up a sword again after thinking he killed his brother to protect his family’s yakuza clan. He is a very skilled archer.
  • Junkrat – A thief from Junkertown that went on a worldwide crime spree with Roadhog. He is obsessed with explosives and loves to blow things up.
  • Mei – An Overwatch scientist who studied the escalating weather problems at Ecopoint: Antarctica. She is the sole survivor from her team after they underwent cryostasis for nine years. She focuses on freezing enemies to slow them down.
  • Pharah – The daughter of Ana, she grew up idolizing Overwatch and dreamed of being a hero. She wields a rocket launcher and jetpacks through the sky, attacking enemies.
  • Reaper – One of the original members of Overwatch who now works with Talon. He can go into a wraith form to avoid all incoming damage.
  • Soldier: 76 – The former commander of Overwatch, he is now an outlaw who seeks to dole out justice throughout the world. A standard super soldier character, he can activate his Tactical Visor to assure all of his shots hit their mark.
  • Sojourn – A former captain of Overwatch, she is cybernetically enhanced to have the advantage on the battlefield. Her gun has railgun capability after being charged up.
  • Sombra – A Latina hacker obsessed with exposing everyone’s secrets. She can go invisible and sneak around the battlefield.
  • Symmetra – A loyal Vishkar employee who seeks order in the world. Can deploy turrets that slow and damage enemies over time.
  • Torbjorn – One of the original Overwatch members and father of Brigitte. He loves the turret that he deploys on the battlefield.
  • Tracer – A British pilot who has time travel capabilities following an experiment gone wrong. She blinks and recalls around the field to get advantageous positions.
  • Widowmaker – A brainwashed member of Talon who was the wife of a former Overwatch captain. She is a very capable sniper.

Support class heroes

  • Ana – One of the original members of Overwatch and Pharah’s mother. She is an accomplished sniper who heals teammates with her shots.
  • Baptiste – A combat medic who has been on both sides of Overwatch and Talon. He can deploy an Immortality Field to ensure his teammates survive.
  • Brigitte – The trusty mechanic partner for Reinhardt and Torbjorn’s daughter. She heals teammates close to her by dealing damage to enemies.
  • Kiriko – A capable healer and warrior ninja. She calls out her trust kitsune fox to give teammates a burst of energy and make them much more lethal.
  • Lucio – A world renowned DJ and defender of Brazil. He uses technology his father created for Vishkar to heal and speed-up allies.
  • Mercy – A medic who has worked wonders and saved Genji from death. She is seen as the angel of the battlefield and can resurrect fallen allies.
  • Moira – A former scientist for Overwatch now with Talon who is obsessed with morally questionable experiments on people. She sucks life energy from enemies to use to heal her allies.
  • Zenyatta – A peaceful Omnic monk who is Genji’s trusted master. Throws out orbs that heal allies and allows extra damage to be done to enemies.