The Apex Legends Dark Depths Event mainly focuses on its brand-new skins, but more quietly, in the Special Offers store, the event also brings back some fan-favorites from various collection events. In total, four skins are coming back, all Legendary-tier, but each is only available via their respective bundles. The Legends seeing returning skins for the Dark Depths event are Revenant, Bangalore, Wraith, and Wattson. Of these, only Revenant is also getting a new skin.

Returning Legend Skins

The returning skins come from three different events: Aftermarket, Fight Night, and Iron Crown. All three of the events seeing returning skins are collection events. Only the Fight Night event has two skins returning, the other events only have one returning skin.

Deathproof (Legendary Revenant skin)

Deathproof will be in the Special Offer store from Jan. 11 to Jan. 18.

Dressed to Impress (Legendary Bangalore skin)

Dressed to Impress Special Offer will be in the store from Jan. 11 to Jan. 18.

Week 2 and 3 Returning Skins

  • Protector of the Void (Legendary Wraith skin)Haute Drop (Legendary Wattson skin)

These Protector of the Void and Haute Drop will be in the Special Offer store from Jan. 18 to Feb. 1.

For more Apex Legends content, check out How to get Dark Depths Event Packs in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.