Fallout 4 DLC Nuka-World features various news weapons, Power Armor and collectible the player must gather in order to grab all the rewards. The Magazines are found around the Parks’s areas in the Nuka-world and you will be rewarded once you collect all the Magazines. So let’s get started with the Magazine locations.

Where to Find All Scav! Magazines Location

There are 5 Scav!s in the Fallout 4 Nuka-world and We have given some Instructions to find them in an easy way.

Scav! 1:

Location – You will find this issue in the Galactic zone. The left side of the Star control building, you will find a locked gate.

The power armor is found inside the glass case. Take the lock and nearby the pretty tired bus, You will find an issue in the wooden boxes.

  • Bonus: Gives increased success rate on speech Challenges.

Scav! 2:

Location – You will find this issue in the Junkyard, west side of the Park.

Once you enter Junkyard, take stairs and keep going until you find computer desk, on the computer desk you will find the issue.

  • Bonus: Gives 25% increased the success rate in combat Knife and Switchblade damage.

Scav! 3:

Location – You will find this issue in the Kiddie Kingdom. In the fun House, travel through the Hall of Mirrors.

Here, you will have to deal with enemies and mines. Get down to the Corridor and up towards the rotating platforms.

Once you reach, you will find Cylindrical shaped room with green spinners. Take the right side tunnel, at the dead end of the tunnel, you will find the issue.

  • Bonus: Gives 10% increased the success rate in Hand to hand weapon damage.

Scav! 4:

Location – You will find this issue in the Grandchester Mystery Mansion. Travel through the whole tour, you will reach the “Exit” sign.

Ignore the sign and enter through the “Employee’s only” door. Take stairs and you will reach old workshop, turn right and you will find the issue on boxes.

  • Bonus: Gives 5% increased success rate on explosives damage.

Scav! 5:

Location – You will find this issue in the Dry Rock Gulch Theater. In the Employee’s Only area, search for the wooden board red containers which take you to the roof area.

Cross from this roof to Central building’s roof, you will find the issue on a table.

  • Bonus: The bonus of issue of Scav! are rewarded according to how many caps you have.
  • Less than 10,000 caps – Additional point to Strength and Endurance perks.
  • Less than 1000 caps – 2 points to each
  • Less than 100 caps – 3 points