Heirloom-tier weapons. The Supply Drop weapons, also called Care Package weapons or crate weapons, have been long-time coveted finds in the world of Apex Legends. In Season 11, some changes were made to the rates at which crate weapons appear. There are four important sets of rates one needs to know if they are going to fully prepare themselves for hunting down the crate weapon of their dreams.

All Supply Drop Weapon Rates

The number outside the parenthesis is the likelihood of that weapon if there is a crate weapon in the package. The number in the parentheses is the actual percentage of that exact gun being in a given Supply Drop. There is only one number in the Round 3 column, as the chance of weapon is 100%. It should be noted that Round 1 has two Supply Drops. The others only have one.

So, long story short, if you want a Spitfire, round 1 is your best bet. If you want a Kraber, round 2 is your best bet. If you want an Alternator, round 3 is your best bet. If you want a G7 Scout, Rounds 2 and 3 are both pretty good bets. If you want any crate weapon, round 3 will guarantee that you’ll find one of the four inside, just make sure you’re the one to get to it first.

For more Apex Legends content, check out How to level up your Evo Shield in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.