The next Pokémon Trading Card Game set, Celestial Storm, launches in August after months of waiting, bringing with it over 160 new cards for eager trainers to collect.

The set is a combination of cards from the Japanese Sky-Splitting Eminence set and focuses on the Hoenn region.

As the third set based on Pokémon from Ultra Sun and Moon games, the expansion introduces a few new Prism Star cards, a handful of Pokémon-GX, a whole load of Ultra Beasts, and a bunch of new Trainer cards. There are also over 100 different common and rare cards that you can check out for yourself below.

Celestial Storm

Bellsprout (1/168)

Weepinbell (2/168)

Victreebel (3/168)

Scyther (4/168)

Spinarak (5/168)

Ariados (6/168)

Treeko (7/168)

Treeko (8/168)

Grovyle (9/168)

Sceptile (10/168)

Seedot (11/168)

Seedot (12/168)

Nuzleaf (13/168)

Shiftry GX (14/168)

Surskit (15/168)

Masquerain (16/168)

Voleat (17/168)

Illumise (18/168)

Cacnea (19/168)

Cacturne (20/168)

Tropius (21/168)

Dhelmise (22/168)

Slugma (23/168)

Magcargo (24/168)

Torchic (25/168)

Torchic (26/168)

Combusken (27/168)

Blaziken GX (28/168)

Torkoal (29/168)

Oricorio (30/168)

Articuno GX (31/168)

Mudkip (32/168)

Mudkip (33/168)

Marshtomp (34/168)

Swampert (35/168)

Lotad (36/168)

Lombre (37/168)

Ludicolo (38/168)

Wailmer (39/168)

Wailord (40/168)

Clamperl (41/168)

Huntail (42/168)

Gorebyss (43/168)

Luvdisc (44/168)

Regice (45/168)

Kyogre (46/168)

Voltorb (47/168)

Electrode GX (48/168)

Chinchou (49/168)

Lanuturn (50/168)

Electrike (51/168)

Manectric (52/168)

Plusle (53/168)

Minun (54/168)

Oricorio (55/168)

Mr. Mime GX (56/168)

Gulpin (57/168)

Swalot (58/168)

Spoink (59/168)

Grumpig (60/168)

Lunatone (61/168)

Solrock (62/168)

Shuppet (63/168)

Shuppet (64/168)

Banette (65/168)

Banette GX (66/168)

Deoxys (67/168)

Deoxys (68/168)

Deoxys (69/168)

Lunala (70/168)

Onix (71/168)

Phany (72/168)

Donphan (73/168)

Larvitar (74/168)

Pupitar (75/168)

Meditite (76/168)

Medicham (77/168)

Baltoy (78/168)

Claydol (79/168)

Regirock (80/168)

Groudon (81/168)

Palossand GX (82/168)

Minior (83/168)

Alolan Rattata (84/168)

Alolan Raticate GX (85/168)

Sneasel (86/168)

Tyranitar (87/168)

Sableye (88/168)

Steelix (89/168)

Scizor GX (90/168)

Mawile (91/168)

Beldum (92/168)

Beldum (93/168)

Metang (94/168)

Metagross (95/168)

Registeel (96/168)

Jirachi (97/168)

Heatran (98/168)

Solgaleo (99/168)

Celesteela (100/168)

Kartana (101/168)

Stakataka GX (102/168)

Bagon (103/168)

Bagon (104/168)

Shelgon (105/168)

Salamence (106/168)

Latias (107/168)

Latios (108/168)

Rayquaza GX (109/168)

Dunsparce (110/168)

Wingull (111/168)

Pelipper (112/168)

Slakoth (113/168)

Vigoroth (114/168)

Slaking (115/168)

Whismur (116/168)

Whismur (117/168)

Loudred (118/168)

Exploud (119/168)

Skitty (120/168)

Delcatty (121/168)

Kecleon (122/168)

Acro Bike (123/168)

Apricorn Maker (124/168)

Beast Ball (125/168)

Bill’s Maintence (126/168)

Copycat (127/168)

Energy Recycle System (128/168)

Energy Switch (129/168)

Fisherman (130/168)

Friend Ball (131/168)

Hau (132/168)

Hiker (133/168)

Hustle Belt (134/168)

Last Chance Potion (135/168)

Life Herb (136/168)

Lisia (137/168)

Lure Ball (138/168)

The Masked Royale (139/168)

PokéNav (140/168)

Rainbow Brush (141/168)

Rare Candy (142/168)

Shrine of Punishment (143/168)

Sky Pillar (144/168)

Steven’s Resolve (145/168)

Super Scoop Up (146/168)

Switch (147/168)

Tate and Liza (148/168)

TV Reporter (149/168)

Underground Expedition (150/168)

Rainbow Energy (151/168)

Shiftry GX (152/168)

Blaziken GX (153/168)

Articuno GX (154/168)

Electrode GX (155/168)

Mr. Mine GX (156/168)

Banette GX (157/168)

Scizor GX (158/168)

Stakataka GX (159/168)

Rayquaza GX (160/168)

Apricorn Maker (161/168)

Bill’s Maintance (162/168)

Copycat (163/168)

Lisia (164/168)

Steven’s Resolve (165/168)

Tate and Liza (166/168)

TV Reporter (167/168)

Underground Expedition (168/168)

Shiftry GX (169/168)

Blaziken GX (170/168)

Articuno GX (171/168)

Electrode GX (172/168))

Mr. Mime GX (173//168)

Banette GX (174/168)

Scizor GX (175/168)

Stakataka GX 176/168)

Rayquaza GX (177/168)

Acro Bike (178/168)

Hustle Belt (179/168)

Life Herb (180/168)

PokéNav (181/168)

Rainow Brush (182/168)

Rainbow Energy (183/168)

All images via The Pokémon Company