Upon reaching Oridys’ Rise on the Weeping Peninsula in Elden Ring, you will find that the door leading inside is magically sealed shut. The small sign at the foot of the stairs offers up a clue for unlocking it, though. The sign reads, “Seek three wise beasts.”

These wise beasts happen to be turtles. They aren’t your average flesh and blood turtles, though. They’re spectral and blue, reminiscent of the spirits you can summon with your Summoning Bell. Once you find each turtle, you only need to hit it once with a weapon, at which point they will disappear in a flurry of blue mist. Note that you will need to interact with the sign in front of the tower before the turtles will appear.

The first spectral turtle is the easiest to find, as it is standing just off the path that leads to the tower, as shown above. The only real challenge here is keeping an eye out for the wolves that sometimes pass through this area so you aren’t caught in a surprise attack.

The second turtle will be hiding in some bushes, as shown above. These bushes are to the left of the stairs that lead to the tower’s entrance. If you’re playing online, there will likely be a few player messages alerting you to the exact location.

The third and final turtle can be found on the opposite side of the tower from the second turtle, in the shallow pond. This one is invisible, but you can find it by looking for the ripples that appear periodically on the water’s surface. Here again, player messages should also point the way to your target.