In Victoria 3, it is the global market that makes the world go around. That global market is made up of Trade Goods that represent natural and manufactured resources, as well as some tangible services that can impact cash flow. Their availability and demand across the globe dictate their price, while their usage dictates the prestige your country accrues from producing or using the resource. All trade goods in the game fall under one of the four broad categories. In this article, we will explain which goods belong to which category in Victoria 3 and list all of their base values in both money and prestige. This can help you make an informed decision on which goods to focus on and develop as you progress through the game.

Categories of goods in Victoria 3

There are four categories of Trade Goods in Victoria 3. All of them have a different demand from different Pops in the game. You can check on each Pop individually to see how much of a certain good category they want to subsist, or how much they need to transition to a different Pop type.

  • Staple Goods: These represent the everyday needs for people to live. This includes their food, firewood, basic clothes, and more. Poor and Middle strata of Pops will usually look to buy these off the market, while the Rich Pops will look for their Luxury equivalents. If your country is mostly populated by poor Pops, access to these goods will help to keep them happy.Luxury Goods: These goods are the ‘chase items’ for your Pops. Most can’t afford them, but those that can pay handsomely for them. This includes luxuries such as fine food, tea, coffee, wine, luxury clothing, furniture, and more. If you’re looking to empower the Middle class or profit off of Rich Pops, then these goods would be your entry point.Industrial Goods: These goods represent both the raw resources needed for manufacturing such as coal, iron, lead, etc, as well as the various tools and machines that your factories will use to produce other goods for your country. If you don’t produce some of these goods, you will soon be finding yourself scouring the Import market to get them.Military Goods: This specialized category is all about tools of warfare. It is a very narrow category with only a few goods that represent arms and ammo, as well as ships and some advanced vehicles like tanks and planes. While their types don’t change much over the course of the game, their value and stats will be most affected by advancing technologies.

All types of Trade Goods in Victoria 3 by category

Staple Goods

Staple Goods also include a few special “goods” that represent several intangibles. They lack a measurable traded quantity that other goods possess. These are:

  • Electricity: Base cost £30, 5 prestige factor.Services: Base cost £30, 3 prestige factor.Transportation: Base cost £30, 4 prestige factor.

Luxury Goods

Luxury Goods also include one special “good” that represents the monetary minting potential of a country in the form of mined Gold. It doesn’t have a traded quantity like other goods but has a base cost of £100 and a prestige factor of 5.

Industrial Goods

Military Goods