The Call of Duty series has long rewarded its players with new weapons once they have reached their next overall level or completed specific challenges. Modern Warfare 2 shakes up this classic formula by having a majority of its guns tied to Weapon Platforms. These Platforms are essentially progression trees which require players to level up guns to unlock more in the same family. Here’s every Weapon Platform in Modern Warfare 2 and how to obtain each of their guns.

How to get every gun in the MW2 multiplayer

As shown above, each Platform is home to multiple weapons of various categories in the new Gunsmith. For instance, the M4 Platform will start players out with the M4 assault rifle, and the weapon can then be leveled up to unlock an additional Battle Rifle and LMG. These two guns will also need to be leveled up to earn the last two weapons in the Platform. However, there is a small group of weapons that do not belong to Platforms and will need to be obtained by increasing your account’s overall level (or “Rank”). You can find each weapon’s unlock method and their Platform below, listed in alphabetical order.

Brunen Bullpup Weapon Platform

  • STB 556: Unlocked at Account Level 41MX9: Reach Level 13 with the STB 556HCR56: Reach Level 20 with the STB 556

Bryson 800 Series Weapon Platform

  • SP-R 208: Unlocked at Account Level 7SA-B 50: Reach Level 16 with the SP-R 208LA-B 330: Reach Level 17 with the SA-B 50SP-X 80: Reach Level 17 with the LA-B 330

Kastovia Weapon Platform

  • Kastov 762: Unlocked at Account Level 23Kastov 545: Reach Level 13 with the Kastov 762RPK: Reach Level 16 with the Kastov 762Kastov-74u: Reach Level 13 with the Kastov 545Vaznev-9K: Reach Level 15 with the Kastov-74uMinibak: Reach Level 14 with the Vaznev-9K

Lachmann and Meer Weapon Platform

  • Lachmann-762: Unlocked at Account Level 16Lachmann-556: Reach Level 12 with the Lachmann-762LM-S: Reach Level 16 with the Lachmann-762Rapp H: Reach Level 12 with the Lachmann-556Lachmann Sub: Reach Level 16 with the Lachmann-556

M4 Weapon Platform

  • M4: Unlocked at Account Level 1FTAC Recon: Reach Level 14 with the M4556 Icarus: Reach Level 19 with the M4M16: Reach Level 14 with the 556 IcarusFFS Hurricane: Reach Level 17 with the FFS Hurricane

Ordnance Weapon Platform

  • EBR-14: Unlocked at Account Level 1SO-14: Reach Level 12 with the EBR-14

Tactique Weapon Platform

  • TAQ-56: Unlocked at Account Level 19TAQ-V: Reach Level 11 with the TAQ-56TAQ-M: Reach Level 20 with the TAQ-56

XRL Weapon Platform

  • X12: Unlocked at Account Level 31X13 Auto: Reach Level 10 with the X12

Non-Platform weapons

  • .50GS: Unlocked at Account Level 13Basilisk: Unlocked at Account Level 39Expedite 12: Unlocked at Account Level 9Fennec 45: Unlocked at Account Level 38JOKR: Unlocked at Account Level 24Lockwood 300: Unlocked at Account Level 36Lockwood MK2: Unlocked at Account Level 28MCPR-300: Unlocked at Account Level 1P890: Unlocked at Account Level 1PDSW 528: Unlocked at Account Level 5PILA: Unlocked at Account Level 1RAAL MK2: Unlocked at Account Level 25Riot Shield: Unlocked at Account Level 37RPG-7: Unlocked at Account Level 32Sakin MG38: Unlocked at Account Level 1Signal 50: Unlocked at Account Level 44STRELA-P: Unlocked at Account Level 14Vel 46: Unlocked at Account Level 1