Women make up the majority of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp players, according to Nintendo.

The company released a gender breakdown of its Pocket Camp users during a financial briefing presentation posted this week. Pocket Camp was released in October 2017 to wide success, wracking up 22 million downloads, Nintendo said. Since then, female players have made up a high percentage of the user base—the majority of them adult women.

“This title sparked interest among many female consumers to pick up this smart-device application,” Nintendo wrote in the report. “Through continuous updates to add game content and hold weekly events, we aim to create a service that consumers can play daily, and that simultaneously contributes financially.”

And that statement rings true: Nintendo just released another event for Pocket Camp, right on the heels of its last. Lottie’s Gothic Rose Festival launched this morning, iterating on a poorly received event released last month. Nintendo appears to be listening to consumer feedback, promising an improved experience to Pocket Camp players.

Continued events and exclusives will bring Pocket Camp players to the game, but only if they’re done right. Pocket Camp players don’t want to be forced into spending cash on limited time items if they don’t have to—and they’re not shy in telling Nintendo that.