As things stand right now, I could write an article a day about Baby Yoda, and I would barely scratch the surface of all the new merchandise that seems to be available or being announced.

So, without further ado, I bring you today’s piece of Baby Yoda inspired merchandise, and this time, it’s something that a lot of people will want.

An animatronic toy.

Ahead of this weekends toy fair in New York, the animatronic Baby Yoda had its reveal/debut on Good Morning America. You can see that for yourselves a little further down the page.

Despite his cute face and general demeanor, I was starting to tire of seeing Baby Yoda everywhere that I looked, yet despite this, I am now fully back on board and want one of these toys. Just how fickle am I?!

I’ve kept you waiting long enough, here’s the video I promised showing the little scamps reveal:

.@GMA EXCLUSIVE REVEAL: #BabyYodaMerch is finally here and it is the way!

— Good Morning America (@GMA) February 20, 2020

And now you want it too. I’m sorry. I only wish I was on commission.

The animatronic Baby Yoda will feature 25 different combinations of motion and sound. His ears wiggle, his eyes move, and he laughs just as he does in The Mandalorian. If that wasn’t good enough, Yoda Junior even pretends to use the force by raising his little arm.

It’s even cute when I imagine he is doing a Darth Vader death grip on someone.

Pre-orders for the toy should be available today, and we’ll keep you updated with more information when we have it. Keep an eye on our social media.

In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on the latest bit of Baby Yoda merchandise and if you’ll be buying it or not. We all know you will.

As for me, I’m going to lock myself in a dark room somewhere and try to avoid all the great things that will no doubt be shown at the toy fair.