A new Star Wars: Rogue One trailer has now been released for International audiences. The new trailer tells us a bit more about the story.

We already know that Star Wars: Rogue One is about the Rebels trying to collect the Death Star plans from the Empire. This new trailer however tells us who alerts the Rebels about the world ending death machine.

The Rebels receive a message from Jyn Erso’s father about the Death Star. It’s possible he is a scientist involved in making the Death Star and wants it destroyed.

This is probably the reason why the Rebels want Jyn Erso as part of the mission in the first place. Unlike in the first trailer where it looked like the Rebels wanted her mainly because she was a known thief.

The other characters have their own agendas in joining the team. The Empire has pretty much made life harder for them and they want them gone. Cassian Andor is the second main character of the film and he is in search of members wanting to go on this daring mission.

You can check out the new trailer below. It has more footage and dialogue that we have not seen in the other two trailers that have been released.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Another New Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Has More Story Details

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