Since September 14, which Apex Legends players saw the launch of the Evolution Collection Event, there has been an issue with the stability of the game’s servers. The developers at Respawn managed to create multiple hotfixes for the issue to help with connectivity issues until the team could create a permanent solution. Despite the ongoing efforts from the team, players are still experiencing connectivity issues. In fact, they are finding disconnect errors three times the rate they normally would.

In an announcement made on Twitter, Respawn stated that because of the severity of the issue, the servers might not become stable until the game’s next patch on Wednesday, September 22. Players who are currently participating in the Ranked Split have been reaching out on various social media platforms, venting their frustrations that they are losing points and demoting in Ranked due to an issue that isn’t caused by something on their end. To rectify this, Respawn has extended the current Ranked Split by a week (from September 21 to September 28), so players have more time to gain back what they lost and get to their desired ranking.

However, at the time of writing, there still has been no word from Respawn on whether or not the Evolution Collection Event will get extended as well.