Apex Legends Season 14: Hunted will be remembered as the season of constant events. Directly after the Beast of Prey Collection Event, the battle royale is getting into the Halloween spirit with the month-long return of Fight or Fright. Not only will the event give players more time to obtain its new cosmetics, but each week is also slated to deliver a limited-time game mode. Here’s everything you need to know about the 2022 rendition of Fight or Fright in Apex Legends.

What is the start date of Fight or Fright 2022?

Apex players shouldn’t expect to get much rest — if any — between Season 14’s two events. That’s because Fight or Fright is revealed to go live instantly after Beast of Prey has concluded on October 4 at 1 PM ET. The event will then refresh every week with new store offerings and modes until its end date on November 1.

What LTMs will be live during Fight or Fright?

Fight or Fright becomes the first event ever to host not one but four different limited-time game modes while it’s active. The first week kicks off with Shadow Royale mode, an LTM that revives dead Legends as Shadows. These Shadows can then perform melee attacks on enemies and even revive downed teammates. The following two weeks will be led by Gun Run and Control, respectively, until its final seven days ropes in Shadow Royale one last time.

Despite the restoration of these modes, there will be some twists to them this time around. The most notable is Shadow Royale being the exclusive home to Olympus After Dark, a Halloween-themed map with nothing but a blood orange moon above to light up POIs. Additionally, Control’s Hammond Labs location will also receive a nighttime setting, but weapon loadouts can now bear Threat Scopes to aid with spotting opponents. Those dipping into Control once more may also find the new MRB, an item that allows teams to relocate their spawn point.

All new Legend skins available in Fight or Fright

One major difference separating the season’s events is Fight or Fright’s lack of a collect-a-thon. Instead, it looks to debut a total of six new and recolored skins from within the in-game store. Each cosmetic can be bought for 2,500 Apex Coins, and they even come packaged with 10 Apex Packs. You can find every new skin available during the event below.

  • Inner Demon – Ash skin Bladed Wanderer – Seer skinSteampunk Speedster – Octane skin (recolored)Deadly Teddy – Revenant skinSo Serious – Caustic skin (recolored)Static Spike – Wattson skin (recolored)

Alongside the new skins, the event’s trailer showcased some older, fan-favorite skins that will come back for a limited time. During the week of October 4, the Legendary Voidwalker outfit becomes available for Wraith, while Pathfinder’s Memoir Noir can be purchased through a bundle the week after.