Apex Legends is a new addition to the Battle Royale genre, and it has been developed by the talented team at the Respawn Entertainment. Are you aware of the fact that it is possible for you to team-up with your friends in Apex Legends? If you answer is a big NO then follow the instructions provided below on how to invite friends and play with friends online in Apex Legends.

How To Play With Friends Online In Apex Legends

  • Step 1: At the starting MENU (inside the lobby) select any of the PLUS (+) signs. YES, the plus sign that is on the left and the right of your character. You can also push R3 (Righ Thumbstick).
  • Step 2: A new window with appear (Friends List). From this window, you will be able to invite whoever you want from your friend list.
  • Step 3: To join you all your friend(s) have to do is accept your joining invitation.
  • Step 4: If they accept all you have to do is jump into the game as you usually do – your friends will be there with you.
  • Step 5: That’s It.

Please Note: Apex Legends does not support cross-platform play yet. This means you can’t invite your friends if they are playing on a different platform then yours. For example – if you are playing Apex Legends on Xbox One then you can only invite your friends who are playing the game on Xbox One.