Apex Legends brings a limited-time event for players in the month of August. Starting today, August 13 to August 27, Apex Legends brings the Iron Crown Collection Event. The Iron Crown Event brings a new solo playable mode, a new look to Octane Town, double XP, and more skins.

The new solo mode is a 60 player event during the days of the Iron Crown. You will be dropping in against 59 other players but in the end, there will be only one winner. Solo mode has been the most asked for in the community as there has only been a squad you land and play with. Apex Legends has been so far a three-person squad but with this solo mode, there are no other teammates to revive and ping enemies and worthwhile items.

The Iron Crown Collection brings new skins for legends, weapons, banners, and poses available for purchase or by completing additional event challenges. Additional packs for a chance to get these new skins can be purchased as well. There is a 50/50 chance for Epic or either Legendary items with Iron Crown Collection packs. There will also be a fixed loot pool meaning there won’t be any duplicates.

The Iron Crown Collection event brings a new currency. Crowns can be earned from completed challenges and from Iron Crown Collection Packs. Crowns can be used to get new limited-time Rare, Epic, and Legendary content. At the end of the event, Crowns will be converted back to Crafting Metals.