Our Apex Legends Mirage Guide features a bunch of vital information on how-to best play this Legend. We’ve got all you need to know on his abilities, ultimate, skins, how-to unlock him, and some tips that will help you excel with this character.

Mirage is one of two Legends that currently requires Apex Coins or Legend Tokens to unlock. He’s a pretty unique option as a class choice due to his ability to create clones and fool your enemies.

Mirage Character Information

Mirage’s Voice Actor

Mirage is voice acted by Roger Craig Smith!

Holographic Trickster

Mirage is the kind of guy who likes to stand out. The youngest of four brothers, he perfected the art of fooling around to get attention. The one thing he took seriously was Holo-Pilot technology: introduced to the illusion-creating tech by his engineer mother, he poured over the mechanisms and learned all he could about them. Even when his brothers went MIA during the Frontier War, Mirage and his mother continued to develop holo devices, and the work brought them closer.

While working as a bartender to make ends meet, Mirage heard amazing stories from his patrons about the Apex Games and the wealth and glory that came with victory. As good as both of those sounded, he knew he couldn’t risk leaving his mother childless – until she gave him a set of customized holo devices and told him to follow his dream. Mirage is now the life of the Apex Games, outwitting opponents and charming audiences across the Outlands.


Introduction Video

How-to Unlock Mirage

Mirage can only be unlocked by purchasing him from the Legends store. You have a choice of using two different currencies to unlock him. The first is Apex Coins, these are obtained by spending real money on them. He costs 750 coins to unlock, and you can purchase 1,000 of them for $9.99 USD. The other option is using Legend Tokens. These are earned by leveling up in the game by playing. You will need to grind out 12,000 of these to purchase him.

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Mirage Abilities

Tactical Ability: Psyche Out

This is one of the best tactical abilities in the game. Not only is it pretty powerful, it’s so unique and fun to use. You send out a decoy of yourself. Now that alone sounds kind of silly, but the decoy will start interacting with whatever it ends up running into. So, if you send it to a resurrect beacon, it will start miming the action. This is great for checking if anyone is watching you from afar!

For the most part, you’ll be using it to confuse your enemies. Send it out from cover or around corners while you head the opposite direction. Just sending out this moving target will often distract an opponent long enough for you to get an advantage!

Passive Ability: Encore!

The passive of Mirage is overall kind of disappointing. If you get knocked down you’ll send out a decoy, but it’s just like you pressed your tactical ability. You would have to get extremely lucky for an opposing player to some how bite on the decoy being real in this situation. Even if they did bite, you can’t really do much once you’ve been knocked down.

Ultimate Ability: Vanishing Act

This is a great escape ability and can even be used aggressively to flank. The part where the team of decoys deploys isn’t super relevant, but it does provide some cover while you get away from the area. You are mostly invisible (cloaked) and run faster than normal, so you can go hide to heal or run around for the flank and take out the enemy. You will have to wait for the invisibility to be up before you attack.

Mirage Tips & Tricks

  • You can send your decoy in a lot of different ways. If you point down it will place the decoy directly under you, have it stop in front of a wall, or send it to a beacon before you resurrect a player to make sure no one is watching you! Your decoy can be made to creep forward if you are crouching, you can also send a sliding decoy if you are sliding. You can send a decoy out while you are healing, this is good to buy you a few more seconds to complete the heal. The decoy can be deployed while gliding in the air, either after you launch at the beginning of the game or from a relaunch balloon. This gives you the potential to avoid enemy fire while they focus on the decoy. If your decoy is shot at or hit it will briefly place a marker where the enemy was when they fired. You can also use this if someone throws a thermite grenade! Send the decoy through the fire, and it will display a marker of the player that threw it. Use the decoy to send it outside of cover to see if any potential enemies are nearby. If the thing gets obliterated, you can generally tell where the shots came from. If you are in close quarters combat, you can send the decoy around one side of an object and then run out from the other to confuse your target. Send the decoy out frequently, it has a 10 second cooldown and should be used a lot during a fight. Your ultimate makes you invisible (cloaked really, you are semi-visible) and increases your run speed, make sure to put away your weapon to cover the most terrain. You’ve got multiple options when you pop your ultimate. You can either escape and look for a place to hide and regroup, or you can go in for a flank. Just know you can’t fire your weapon until the invisibility is over with. The decoys that pop from the ultimate aren’t super useful, but they do cause confusion and can block some incoming fire. Decoys can be sent to trip Caustic traps if for some reason you can’t shoot them on the bottom to disable them.

Mirage Skins

Take a look at some of the awesome skin options for Mirage!



Mirage Wallpapers

We’ve got some wallpapers of Mirage so you can dress up your desktop! They are both 1920x1080 in size, you can click to enlarge them.