Apex Legends has been most notable for not only its beautiful use of Titanfall’s mechanics but its wonderful events as well. Everything from fresh character releases to little in-game events spices things up, adding some new things for players to grind for. The latest event, Fight Night, has been teased with little reveals and even a video, which has attracted much attention from fans. Thankfully, the wait for this event is finally over. Today, Apex Legends is launching the Fight Night event on all platforms, bringing with it plenty of new things to do and collect. You can check out the trailer for the event below.

Apex Legends’ Fight Night’s most exciting change comes in the new mode, known as Airdrop Escalation. This works very similarly to the standard battle royale mode, needing to be the last team standing after a lengthy round. The main difference is that supply drops come down much more frequently, scoring both yourself and other players high-quality loot. If you ever wanted to practice some of the hardest hitting weapons in Apex Legends, this event would be the time.

That isn’t all that’s coming with the new Fight Night event for Apex Legends though. Pathfinder’s Town Takeover looks to score you some extra loot as well, with loot balls found in the ring scoring you some sweet rare loot to use against your foes. There’s also loot MRVN’s scattered around the newest map Olympus, giving you loot at the tier you see on the MRVN’s screen. That’s not even mentioning the loot you can score for your legend thanks to the loot track, including a detective Pathfinder skin. Our favorite robot is ready to solve crime the only way he knows how, the end of a shotgun.