Apex Legends Season 5 is dropping more than Gibraltar missiles from the sky, but also a new face to the roster and possible map facelift.

The new legend Loba shows off long-range teleporting and some type of shield protection. It is unclear yet, how her powers will playout in-game since this reveal was cinematic.

There’s not even a date when Loba is scheduled to be out. If I were a betting man, I would be Micheal Jordan, but it would be a safe bet to say she’ll be ready when Season 5 drops May 12th.

Loba’s backstory ties into a new character from a prior season. The post’s description reads, “When she was nine years old, Loba Andrade witnessed her parents’ murders at the hands of the simulacrum Revenant. Orphaned and tossed into the system, Loba fought tooth and nail to overcome the adversity of her childhood. She grew up to become a famous high society socialite by day, and the Outlands’ most infamous thief by night.”

Apex Tells it Their Way

Videogames have different ways of telling their narrative. Some do it through the environment, traditionally with a cutscene or leaving an alarming amount of audio recordings around. Yes, Bioshock, you just got tagged 12 years later.

Apex Legends Season 5, as the previous seasons have done, tells its story through these posts. Each season sets the stage for the character’s motivations and the environment. Season 4 saw the Apex Games on a new map while the previous arena undergoes construction after wildlife destroyed it during season 3.

Typically multiplayer-only games don’t go this in-depth with the story because it revolves around the action. The most they’ll do is explain a cutscene or commercial highlight reel showing off the personality of their characters.

At the very least, developers will have character’s outfits express who they are. Say there are two people, one is clean-cut and wears a romper while the other is in a wife-beater with scars all over their body looking disheveled. One showcases a dangerous person, and the other has a wife-beater.

More info should be coming out about Apex Legends season 5 in the coming days. We’ll keep you updated with the news as it drops.

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