With a lack of features like cross-progression or account transfers, Apex Legends has gone without a wealth of major amenities players typically see in other free-to-play games. However, the battle royale can at least check off one item on its to-do list, as gifting is confirmed to arrive alongside Season 15: Eclipse. It’s a promising step in the right direction, but those eager to try out this feature will be met with several caveats.

Once Season 15 launches on November 1, players will discover the power to gift individual cosmetics and even bundles directly from Apex’s in-game store to their friends. Similar to the option to purchase, it takes the shape of an on-screen prompt beside each digital good — but, it will require more than the press of a button. For one, gift-givers have to be at least Level 10 and must have their EA Login Verification turned on — the latter which tasks users with numerous steps alone.

Additionally, their account must be in good standing and they must be friends with the account they are attempting to gift a cosmetic to for at least two weeks. There is no doubt this is a baffling decision, especially as random acts of kindness won’t extend to strangers or newfound friends. Despite this lengthy list of hurdles, it is not all bad news. Those feeling extremely generous are able to perform this action five times each day, and they can even send cosmetics to players on other platforms.

Gifting is far from the only notable addition coming to the game in Season 15. The battle royale has also released a new Stories from the Outlands episode which details incoming Legend Catalyst as well as the brand new Stellar map. Better yet, Catalyst is revealed to be the first trans woman character to come to Apex Legends — a level of much-needed representation that fans have not seen since Bloodhound in the initial cast of characters.