Apex Legends, the hit battle royale, has unveiled the first trailer for its next season titled Saviors. It also gave us our first look into the newest legend Newcastle, who (spoilers) is revealed at the end of the trailer to be Bangalore’s brother Jackson. You can check out the first trailer for the new season below.

What Can We Gather From the First Trailer for Apex Legends’ Saviors Season?

To get the biggest aspect out of the way, the newest trailer for Apex Legends shows how Newcastle is a defense-centric legend. We see a few abilities sprinkled that can give us the general idea of him being a shield-based legend. First and most importantly seems to be his passive, which allows Newcastle to cover a downed ally with a revive shield and potentially pull them into a better spot to revive them, similar to how Lifeline used to have a revive shield (minus how she could just throw it out and continue fighting). He also seems to possess some sort of standard front-facing shield to protect his allies. And finally, what can only be assumed as his ultimate appears to be a gigantic version of said shield. Without gameplay or proper stats though, we don’t know for certain how each of those abilities functions.

Other than Newcastle though, the game appears to tease some reworks for the game’s newest map Storm Point. Namely, some new miniature fortresses housing plenty of weaponry but also a handful of resistance. Chances are you’ll need to put up a fight if you’d like to keep the weapons you find in each armory, which is sure to attract unwanted attention. There may even be giant beasts, though it’s more likely that the monster’s sole purpose was bringing the armories online. It’d be interesting to fight one though.

While the Saviors season and Newcastle don’t have a set release date yet, Apex Legends will be getting a new episode of Stories from the Outlands on Thursday (April 28), so chances are we’ll know for sure then. In the meantime, are you excited to try out Newcastle? What areas do you want to see changed on Storm Point with its reworks? Let me know!