Apex Legends has today launched update 1.79, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes with this patch. Today’s update, surprisingly enough, doesn’t re-enable the Prowler SMG in Arenas. This was previously removed temporarily as it was causing serious crashing issues. More specifically, it would cause entire Arena servers to crash, preventing the game from being playable. The team temporarily disabled it for this reason, and it seems the issue is still being worked on. There are still some good fixes to consider though so, without further adieu, here’s everything new with Apex Legends update 1.79!

Apex Legends Update 1.79 Patch Notes

  • Knocked players can no longer jump
  • The Steam “No price found” issue with the Bangalore Edition has been fixed
  • Miscellaneous stability fixes

This update is really quite small, fitting with the update being around 100MB in size. Unfortunately for those who felt like unleashing their inner frog with the knocked glitch, that has been patched. With that being said, having numerous stability fixes is a nice plus as well. It’s still a shame though, as with the Prowler SMG being a great weapon, having it still locked in arenas is a shame. When this does get fixed up though, we’ll be sure to let you know.

If you’re interested in more Apex Legends-related news outside of the 1.79 update, the team recently went in-depth on the accessibility improvements they’re making to the ping system through an array of various patents. These will be available to other game developers, letting them implement improved accessibility into their ping systems. For more regarding these changes, you should check out the original story from GamesIndustry.biz. It’s a great read that goes into some great improvements by the team.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. For more information regarding this update, check out the official Twitter post.