Update 2.01 has arrived for Apex Legends, and here is the complete list of changes and fixes added with this patch. The game’s minor bugs and glitches have been with the Apex 2.01 patch. In addition, the current Apex version has stability and performance enhancements. Considering that the Gaiden Event continues, we have seen that there is no significant change for the game. Here is everything new with Apex Legends update 2.01.

Apex Legends Update 2.01 Patch Notes

  • Addressed a bug where players can switch skins or avoid using tactical while aiming down the sight at the same time.
  • Added network connection-related fixes.
  • Addressed a bug where players at certain ranks do not receive the correct ranked rewards for certain seasons.
  • Added stability and performance improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Although it appears that today’s Apex Legends update addresses a few audio problems, there are likely to be further changes to come. Thanks to KralRindo, a data miner within the Apex community, we know what bug fixes are likely in the latest patch. On Twitter, KralRindo claims that the update is “most likely an audio fix for the Mirage battlepass ground emote and Bangalore prestige skin finisher.” The game’s official Trello page lists several other issues that a future version is expected to address:

  • Reports of players not receiving coins after they are purchased.
  • Players at certain ranks do not receive the correct rewards for certain seasons. – Coming in Future Patch
  • BANGALORE MYTHIC SKIN: Using tactical while aiming down sight will briefly block the player’s view. – Coming in Future Patch

We are closely following the community and Respawn, and as we learn more about this title change, we’ll let you know. Apex Legends patch 2.01 is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more information regarding this patch, visit the official Apex Legends site.