Apex Legends is a game full of unique weapons, mechanics, and characters and the voice actress for the tracker Bloodhound is giving fans a look behind the microphone.

Voice actress Allegra Clark posted a short video to social media showing her saying a few lines from the games technological tracker character Bloodhound. The developers added effects to the original voiceover to create how Bloodhound sounds. Clark said in the video she wanted to show everyone how the character sounded before post-production.

Since some people were curious about what Bloodhound sounds like sans post-processing! Iirc they knocked it down a half step or two, and I think that’s the pitch where I placed their voice. It’s hard to tell with the processing ?? #apexlegends #bloodhound #honortheallfather pic.twitter.com/vqqGvOcGRn

— Allegra Clark ?? (@SimplyAllegra) February 28, 2019

The video shows Clark voicing Bloodhound’s popular catchphrases and lines in Apex Legends. She says the take used in the video is “more or less” how she sounded in the recording booth during the original take.

Clark says after getting her takes, the team at Respawn took “it down a half step or two,” in the final design.

Clark has 10 years of training as a professional voice actress and has provided the voice for a number of characters in gaming and more including Josephine Montilyet in Bioware’s Dragon Age: Inquisition.