The Prince of Atlantis may be weeks away from his solo movie debut but positive reception for Aquaman is already swimming in. Thanks to critic’s screenings of the upcoming superhero epic, fans could see early opinions firsthand on Twitter. And those opinions? Well, they’re pretty positive all around. Ranging from “breathtakingly beautiful” to “AWESOME” to “a big fun, wild ride”, hope is there for Aquaman.

Just take ScreenRant editor Andrew Dyce’s impressions on the film. Aside from the “breathtaking awesome” description, Dyce also dubs Aquaman a “weird, badass, FUN idea of a modern superhero fantasy (anime)”. Interesting, given many couldn’t say this of previous DCEU movies.

Aquaman is a breathtakingly beautiful, weird, badass, FUN idea of a modern superhero fantasy (anime) and makes zero apologies. Second half’s one cheer/laugh after another.

Imagine ’80s Schwarzenegger starring in “Hideo Kojima’s AVATAR” and you’re most of the way there. #Aquaman

— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) November 26, 2018

Similarly, Entertainment reporter for Gizmodo, Germain Lussier’s thought the film was “big fun, wild ride” and “unabashedly melodramatic” with a large sense of scale.

Aquaman is a big, fun, wild ride. It’s unabashedly melodramatic and over the top with the largest, most ambitious sense of scale imaginable. Parts of it are kind of bad but they are not the majority and, oddly, still fit in with the cartoony tone. 2nd best DCU movie. YEEEAAHH!

— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 26, 2018

Slashfilm‘s Peter Sciretta felt Aquaman was better than expected and it’s best “when it’s having fun and not taking itself too seriously”. This appears to be a popular praise for the film. Many critics and fans have criticized (and derided) the overly dark approach DC have taken with their previous films. It wasn’t until 2016’s Wonder Woman that DC began injecting some lightheartedness into their movies. Therefore, it’s a relief to hear the trend is continuing with Aquaman.

? #Aquaman is better than expected. Feels like a Marvel phase one movie, in a good way. It’s at its best when it’s having fun and not taking itself too seriously. Black Manta is great villain that comic book fans will love. Some truly spectacular one shots and good action.

— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) November 26, 2018

And those are merely a few of the reactions on Twitter. But overall, what can be discerned in this – the movie is fun, melodramatic with some bad parts but has great action. Given that the early critiques of the film are more forgiving than 2017’s Justice League (well, a lot more forgiving), could Aquaman be a hit of Wonder Woman proportions?

Jason Momoa’s Arthur Curry made his first DCEU appearance in Justice League.  The movie was both a commercial and critical failure, garnering a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Here’s hoping the fishy superhero has better luck this time around.

Are you looking forward to Aquaman? Let us know your thoughts below!