Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War won’t have the most stable servers. Given the franchise’s popularity, you can expect the servers to have times of being up and down. It’ll primarily be down following the initial release, along with new updates, expansions, and newly added content. When things are not working properly, here’s how you can tell when you can play.

A good way to double-check what the Treyarch Twitter account is saying. The studio sometimes shares some important details about current problems with the game, if players are encountering issues, and what’s being done about it.

You can also check out the Activision servers, at least, for those who are on PC. Things can still work on consoles, but if the PC servers are having trouble, chances are that the console versions are having the same issues. It could vary on the problems.

The final option is using Down Detector. It’ll inform you of whatever issues are going on and what other players are experiencing, and it’ll give you the chance to double-check that you’re not the only having the problems.

It also helps to learn when the patches and latest expansions are releasing. Those will give you a clear idea when the heavy traffic is happening.