After the Dallas Empire won the Call of Duty League championship, the eSports league sent out a congratulatory tweet to the team. In the form of a GIF, the tweet displayed fireworks popping off above Warzone’s Verdansk Stadium and added one noticeable change to the location – a subway station entrance outside the venue.

Anyone can spot the building when looking in the bottom left corner, sporting a green awning roadside. If it looks familiar, that is because similar-looking subway stations are already in a few other locations of Warzone, but are currently closed off by locked doors. Now, it seems those doors may soon open with a fast travel subway station heavily rumored to be on the way.

How the rumors started

In July, it was already in question whether the stations were more than just eye-candy, as Call of Duty-focused Twitter account, BKTOOK_, posted a mysterious image of what appeared to be a map of a metro system within the battle royale. Since the user has declined to say how they stumbled upon the picture, but it’s been taken more seriously as even the inside of Verdansk Stadium hints at you being able to go underground.

So far, the tweet from the Call of Duty League marks the first time that someone or something officially associated with the game has added fuel to the rumors. Since the beginning of Season Five, it has become more believable, with fans recently receiving the ability to ride on cargo trains found throughout the map.

When these could be added

Of course, the likeliest time this could be added is when Warzone reaches its sixth season near the end of September. With Warzone implementing certain aspects from the next series installment, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, royale players should keep an eye out for when the game debuts its all of its multiplayer features on September 9.