The Daughters of Lerion in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla are mini-bosses you must search out if you have any hope of getting the legendary Thor armor set. Not only do they hold a piece of the set themselves, but they also hold the keys to unlock the fourth piece. However, saying their boss fights are hard is an understatement.

Each daughter has its own resistances and way of fighting that is not dissimilar to the Valkyrie fights in God of War. No one playing Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla should miss out on wearing armor named after the god of thunder though. As such, here are some tips and tricks to defeat the Daughters of Lerion.

Tips and Tricks to Defeat AC Valhalla’s Daughters of Lerion

Before tackling any of the daughters, you’ll want to get to a high power level. In Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, you can level up your power with the number of skill points you have. Ideally, You should have a power level in the high hundreds if only to be able to handle Cordelia’s 340 power level. You just need to be confident in your combat abilities and gear.


Goneril is probably the first daughter players will bump into in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla as she is in the low-level areas of Grandebridgescire. More specifically, she is located in the Spalda Fens next to this giant tree. Simply interact with the strung-up corpse and she will appear in a cloud of green fog.

Goneril loves to use her dual-wielding daggers to strike hard and fast. She’ll attack with unblockable strikes that when landed will deal enormous damage, and forward thrust or spin attacks that can be parried. Her hardest techniques are those that use mystical elements, as she loves to teleport behind you. She can also call forth a duplicate that will spring forward in a spin attack.

The key to defeating Goneril is to wear down her stamina and parry her as much as possible. A successful parry will cause her to stagger. This is an excellent time to deal some real damage. You should utilize the Brush with Death ability to slow down time when you dodge. This will allow you to do double the damage before she can go in for another attack.

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Regan is the second daughter and is one step higher in difficulty compared to Goneril. She can be found in East Anglia at Walsham Crag. Again, you need to interact with the stung-up corpse and Regan will be summoned.

Like Goneril, Regan dual-wields dangerous blades. Where Goneril is fast though, Regan takes a slower approach. What she lacks in speed, she makes up in power and trickiness. She enjoys using duplicates of herself to get an almost instant second attack on you.

This only covers the first half of the battle. Once her health drops down halfway, she’ll start throwing fire your way. Crispy is an understatement for what you will be once the battle is done. Her speed will also pick up a bit, so the rhythm of the fight will change. You will have to quickly adapt because Regan and her duplicates won’t rest until you are defeated.

Like Goneril, the key to Regan is to keep moving and play as defensively as possible. Again, you will want to utilize the Brush of Death ability to work in some extra damage when you dodge. Once Regan starts to sling fire, you will have to roll to extinguish yourself and keep an eye on your health. While she may be one of the tougher opponents in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, with these tips you will easily defeat her.


If you were looking for a real challenge in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Cordelia is who you’ve been waiting for. Her power level is 340, the highest of all the daughters. She is located in Grantebridgescire nestled in Berkelow Bog.

Like the other daughters, Cordelia is a quick monster with two blades. She’s not afraid to get in close and keep the pressure on. As you can imagine, her red attacks can deal enormous damage, so you need to be sure your stamina is full to dodge. Along with her blades, she will eventually start summoning lightning that will follow you around the arena.

To beat this Daughter of Lerion, you should have a fast bow equipped and use the Rage of Helheim ability. The Rage of Helheim will allow you to knock Cordelia down and do some uninterrupted damage. Parry as much as possible while also saving as much stamina as you can. Once she starts slinging lightning, you will need to continuously dodge. This is also where a fast bow is going to come in handy. Simply shoot as many arrows as you can during this stage and you’ll have defeated the toughest daughter in AC Valhalla.