All New Hearthstone Battlegrounds Armor Tiers
After removing the armor system to introduce Buddies, Hearthstone Battlegrounds has brought it back. The system has been reworked with Buddies in mind, and below we list all of the heroes in their respective tiers. Hearthstone Battlegrounds hero armor tiers Tier 1 (0 Armor) A. F. KayBru’kanCariel RoameChenvaalaDancin’ DerylDinotamer BrannElise StarseekerFungalmancer FlurglGeorge the FallenGuff RunetotemKing MuklaLord BarovLord JaraxxusMalygosMillificent ManastormOnyxiaPatches the PirateRagnaros the FirelordTamsin RoameTavish StormpikeTrade Prince GallywixVol’jinXyrellaYogg-Saron, Hope’s EndYsera Tier 2 (2-5 Armor) Al’AkirAlexstraszaCookie the CookC’ThunDeath Speaker BlackthorneDeathwingKael’thas SunstriderMaiev ShadowsongMillhouse ManastormMutanus the DevourerNozdormuOverlord SaurfangScabbs CutterbutterSir Finley MrrggltonThe CuratorThe Great AkazamzarakThe Lich KingTickatusY’ShaarjZephrys, the Great Tier 3 (3-6 Armor) Arch-Villain RafaamCaptain HooktuskForest Warden OmuGreyboughRokaraSilas Darkmoon Tier 4 (4-7 Armor) Captain EudoraEdwin VanCleefKurtrus AshfallenLich Baz’hialMaster NguyenN’ZothPatchwerkRakanishuReno Jackson Tier 5 (5-8 Armor) Drek’TharGalakrondGalewingIllidan StormrageJandice BarovQueen WagtoggleSindragosaSkycap’n KraggTess GreymaneThe Rat King Tier 6 (6-9 Armor) Ambassador FaelinInfinite TokiMr....